Sermon Illustrations


We are citizens of this world, but we also are citizens of heaven. Those dear souls who are unsaved are just citizen of this world. They have singular citizenship.

When we look at the awful political systems the world has, and at the increasing injustices everywhere, more and more in western societies, then we are seeing a sad picture.

For me, it is like putting up a giant mirror on the world that reflects the true state of the world. I tried to write a poem that represented these ideas.

The Christian is not immune from the troubles in this world. Take for example the horrible genocide operating in Nigeria and other African places. If anything, Christians could have more troubles than the world because the world hates believers. Check out Psalm 73. {{John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage. I have overcome the world.”}}

The first stanza of this poem considers Christians but the remaining ones have the world in focus.

Sadness and chaos came about through the sin of Eve and Adam and seem to be multiplying. As Christians, there may not be much we can do about relieving the pain in the world, but our calling is to bring men and women to the One who does something about that pain. We are to be faithful in preaching and getting the message to the world.

We have very little authority but the Lord does! {{Matthew 28:18-20 and Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “ALL AUTHORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”}}


Things of earth that do distress us;

Things that cloud our happy way,

Place all them in time eternal.

Let them not their damage pay.

Things that loom in largeness for us -

Much injustice, pain, and hurt, ,

Satan wants us to be downcast –

For God, rise up! Be steadfast.


Life on earth is but a flicker,

Nothing to eternity -

We rush about and worry so

With not that much certainty.

Sin has deprived our joyfulness;

Destroyed connection with God.

It’s produced a sad existence,

And against God, resistance.


Look upon the mass of people,

Those who hurt through suffering.

This world is lost and sad in pain,

With disaster hovering.

Man alone has no solution,

But must look outside himself.

God has sent His own redemption,

But we must pay attention.


The world is sad, for it’s sinful,

And sin will reap its reward.

The horrors and distresses seen,

Are through anti-God discord.

The promises of God are real,

And realised through repentance.

God’s kingdom is what we’ll possess!

In this world, we’ll have distress.

R E Ferguson 30-31 December 2021 A-B-C-B-D-E-F-F 8-7 throughout

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