Sermon Illustrations


Self-Centeredness: People will love only themselves and their money.

Pride and Disobedience: They will be boastful, proud, scoff at God, and disobedient to their parents.

Lack of Gratitude: Ungratefulness will prevail.

Lack of Love and Forgiveness: They will be unloving, unforgiving, and slanderous.

Rejection of the Sacred: People will consider nothing sacred.

Cruelty and Hatred for Good: They will be cruel, hating what is good.

Betrayal and Recklessness: Betrayal of friends and reckless behavior will be common.

Love of Pleasure Over God: Pleasure will take precedence over devotion to God.

Form of Godliness, Denying Its Power: Some will appear religious but reject the transformative power of godliness2.

False Teachers and Deception: False teachers will arise, opposing the truth. They will deceive and be deceived.

They will have depraved minds and counterfeit faith.

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