Sermon Illustrations

On November 28 of this year, I was driving west from my house at about 7 in the evening. It was quite dark already. As I looked through the windshield of my vehicle, I saw a line in the sky. A bright white line. Because it was so far away, this line in the sky must’ve been half a kilometre long. It’s hard to judge from the front seat of my Volkswagen Jetta. I tried to take a picture.

When I got back home, I noticed on Facebook that other people had commented on the straight line in the sky. I wasn’t the only one. I wasn’t imagining it. A lot of people were asking what it was. Now when you post things on a community page on Facebook and you ask a question, you’re bound to get some really crazy answers. One person answered, “Busted, you must forget, you must forget, you must forget. But yes, we have been here since 2016, we are here to oversee the 2024 election in the US and have already sorted the Canadian Liberal party.”

The consensus was that it was a group of star link satellites that have been documented many times over.

The description of the star in the east that appeared to the Magi is something that we cannot fathom. Was it Mars, Saturn, and Venus in alignment? Which was documented in 7 BC. Or was it a unique phenomenon that God manifested for the purpose of showing the Magi the way?

When a king’s birth is announced in the first century, the royal court sends out messengers to all of the known world to make sure that everyone knows of the birth of the new king. Declarations, banners, and songs are written, sculptures are made, and fireworks in the sky.

What does God do?

• He sends angels to Joseph and Mary to declare the eminent conception of Jesus,

• He chose heralds from among the shepherds to tell everyone the news about the newborn King.

• He sends a whole host of heavenly angels singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace towards those with whom God is pleased.”,

• He sent angels to the Magi telling them not to return to Herod,

• He sent an angel to Joseph to flee with the family to Egypt telling them to go back to Israel later on.

Maybe He even sent a star in the sky to appear.

I’d like to think that God sent the angels to the east where the Magi lived and provided them with a visual in the sky that drove them crazy with curiosity. They began searching their archives, looking at astronomical charts, obscure Jewish philosophy and Scriptures where they came to the conclusion that there was a prophecy from the Old Testament that predicted that a star which shined the way to the new Messiah. “A star will come out of Jacob; a sceptre will rise out of Israel.” (Numbers 24:17)

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