Sermon Illustrations

I want you all to go back in time with me for a moment when you were a child. We didn’t have xbox, or playstation, or video games. We actually went outside and played face to face with our friends. If you were like me, you'd gather with your friends in the neighborhood and would be out most of the day. I'd be gone for hours. But there was something about Mom's voice. When it was time for dinner, you could hear all of the neighborhood mothers out on their porches calling for their kids. But no matter how far away I was, I could always hear Mom's distinctive voice call my name. There was no mistaking her voice or her call to me.

One day Jesus is coming back, and the signs of His return will be clear and unmistakable. It will be obvious. Even though we don't know for sure when it will be, Jesus’ return will be a powerful, can't-miss-it event. I didn't always want to come in when Mom called, but when Jesus returns, I'll gladly welcome that moment to go home and be with Him. How about you?

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