Contributed by David Parks on Jan 23, 2023 (message contributor)
Cheating now more common
Once upon a time in a tiny French village, the townspeople decided to honor their parish priest by each bringing a bottle of wine the following Sunday for the pastor’s empty wine barrel. The pastor was delighted, and he asked all in attendance to join him for a glass of wine from the now full barrel. But when the tap was opened, only water came out.
Each villager had brought water instead of wine — thinking that all the others would bring wine and the one bottle of water would never be detected.
Alas, they all had decided to ignore their agreement, and they were all exposed as cheaters.
What is cheating? Simply put, it is breaking the rules.
Cheating has become so normalized in society that people are hardly shocked by it anymore.
Source: Harvey Mackay, Arizona Republic, Jan. 23, 2023, p. A7
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