Sermon Illustrations

You don’t give the tithe, you return it back to God. It belongs to Him!

There is a cartoon that shows four frames!

1. In the first frame a man looks at a new car!

The salesman says, "10% down and low, low payments for 48 months."

The man asks, "Where do I sign?"

2. In the second frame, the same man looks at a refrigerator!

The salesman says, "Nothing down, and no interest for 12 months."

Again the man asks, "Where do I sign?"

3. Third frame, same man, this time looking for a new home!

* The salesman says, "10% down and 30 years to pay."

For the third time, the man asks, "Where do I sign?"

4. Fourth frame, same man, this time talking to his pastor!

The pastor says: "Would you please sign this commitment card to give God 10% for the next year?"

The man in horror replies, "What? Tie me down for 52 weeks? No sir, the future is too insecure. I won’t make a commitment I may not be able to keep!"

Isn’t it funny, that the only people who don’t like the pastor preaching on giving are the people who don’t and won’t give!

Ovidiu Radulescu

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