I Cannot Say The Lord's Prayer If...
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Mar 8, 2022 (message contributor)
An unknown author put together an interesting (convicting) summary of how we cannot pray the Lord's Prayer, which should be actually referred to as the Disciples’ Prayer, for Jesus had no sin to confess.
I cannot say “our” if I live only for myself.
I cannot say, “Father” if I do not endeavor each day to act like His child.
I cannot say, “hallowed be your name” if I am playing around with sin.
I cannot say “your kingdom come” if I am not allowing God to reign in my life.
I cannot say “give us this day our daily bread” if I am trusting in myself instead of in God’s provision.
I cannot say, “Forgive us our sins” if I am nursing a grudge or withholding forgiveness from someone else.
I cannot say, “lead us not into temptation” if I deliberately place myself in its path.
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