How Hard Do You Prepare For Sermons?
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Jan 4, 2021 (message contributor)
Howard Hendricks shares this insight about the value of preparing and study for sermons...
" When I was a college student—I worked in the college dining hall, and on my way to work at 5:30 am. every morning I walked past the home of one of my professors. Through a window I could see the light on at his desk, morning after morning. At night I stayed late at the library to take advantage of evening study hours, and returning home at 10:30 or 11 o’clock I would again see his desk light on. He was always pouring over his books. One day he invited me home for lunch, and after the meal I said to him, “Would you mind if I asked you a question?” “Of course not,” he said.
“What keeps you studying? You never seem to stop.”
His answer, “Son, I would rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pool.”
In preparing sermons for your people......are you drinking from a running stream of fresh new manna from Heaven. Or do you just run to the old sermon file and pull out a used outline from a stagnant pool. Your people know the difference. And, above all, God knows the difference.
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