Sermon Illustrations

Hebrew scholar Gensenius, says that the meaning of the Old Testament word for "meekness" involves "a lowly, pious, and modest mind, which prefers to bear injuries rather than return them." Meekness is not only the opposite of pride, but of stubbornness, fierceness, and vengefulness. It is the opposite of self-will toward God, and of ill-will toward men. The meek person will not expect to be always treated with respect and reverence. He will do his duty in the station where God has set him gently and lovingly, seeking not honor from men, ambitious only to be well pleasing unto the Lord.

Meekness is also patience in reception of injuries with a belief that God will vindicate us. The heart of the meek is too great to be moved by little insults. The person who is constantly ruffled, who suffers at every little insult or injury to throw him off his guard, and to raise a storm of passion within, is at the mercy of every mortal that chooses to disturb him. He is like the troubled sea that cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. We may acknowledge our own bankruptcy (Mt 5:3) and mourn (Mt 5:4), but to respond with meekness when others tell us of our spiritual bankruptcy and weaknesses is far harder.

In the pioneer days of the state of Colorado, when men came from hundreds of miles to have jobs as loggers in the Rocky Mountains, many times they could not get away from the workplace because of heavy snowfall. with nowhere to go and nothing to do, many of the loggers would find ways to amuse themselves the wrong way -- through fighting and drunkenness. It would all get started when one of the loggers would take a chip and put it on his shoulder. He would then rub shoulders with some of his co-workers to see who wanted to fight. If another logger knocked the "chip off of his shoulder", then the fight was on!

Do you carry a "chip on your shoulder"? Are you so sensitive to the comments of those around you that you are easily offended and ready for a verbal fight? Do you over-think little comments of those around you and turn make mountains out of mole hills? That is not the evidence of the Spirit-controlled mind. How many marriages, relationships, business and ministries have been destroyed by such a sensitive spirit. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek". Those who walk in meekness and gentleness allow God to fight their battles and do not need to carry a "chip on their shoulder".

- Matoon, Petton, Precept Austin

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