Sermon Illustrations

Why Do We Say “Merry Christmas” but “Happy” Everything Else? by, Meghan Jones. "The word "merry" isn't one we use very often during the months of January through November. But as soon as Thanksgiving passes, you're bound to start hearing and seeing it everywhere—on billboards, on decorations, in songs, and, of course, straight from the mouths of well-wishers.

And after it, you're almost certain to hear the word "Christmas." But if you wished someone a "Merry Birthday," or a "Merry Halloween," you'd probably get some weird looks! Likewise if you wished someone a "Happy Christmas". Why is Christmas the only holiday we hope will be "merry"?

Today, we use " merry" for Christmas the way we use "happy" for any other holiday, but the words themselves technically don't have the exact same meaning. While "happy" suggests a more general emotional state of joy, "merry" can imply that there's a bit of raucous revelry afoot.

And before the 18th century, you could hear both "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Christmas." The most likely reason for this is the fact that, well, "merry" was just a far more popular word back then than it is today. The first written record of someone using "Merry Christmas" comes from a 1534 letter from a bishop to royal minister Thomas Cromwell.

But then, in the 18th century, "merry" started to tip the scales, largely thanks to one man: Charles Dickens. "Merry Christmas" was the phrase of choice in Dickens' A Christmas Carol, a work that would have a major influence on the modern English-speaking world's perception of Christmas.

It was gaining popularity in carols as well. In addition, the language was changing and "merry" was falling out of fashion as a word on its own. It stuck around, though, in phrases like "the more the merrier" and—you guessed it—the now increasingly popular "Merry Christmas."

But, because of the potentially rabble-rousing connotations of "Merry Christmas," high-class Brits—including the royal family themselves—chose "Happy Christmas" as their default greeting. That's why you'll still hear it today in the U.K. This likely also helped cement the popularity of "Merry Christmas" in America—newly independent Americans were determined to specifically not do and say things the British way.

Now, of course, because of the popularity of "Merry Christmas"—and how little we say "merry" in other situations—"merry" now calls to mind a celebration that's cozy, festive, and filled with gift-giving rather than one that's overly rowdy. And this is the most likely reason it would just sound...odd to use the word for any other holiday."

I was intrigued by the author's indication of merry being connected with revelry and raucous behavior. In modern terms, this signifies a wild and rowdy party. By definition, the word merry means full of or showing lively cheerfulness or enjoyment and tending to produce cheerfulness or happiness in people. This can be connected to people being in a festive mood.

The word merry is in the bible. And in the Hebrew and Greek words you will see a connection to words like celebration and cheer. Job 21:12, "They sing to the music of tambourine and harp; they make merry to the sound of the flute." This definitely has a celebratory feel to it.

But then we see what Solomon wrote in the beginning of Ecc. 10:19, "A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry." Interesting. How many parties would be still be as lively and festive if there was no alcohol being served? Isa. 24:7, "The new wine dries up and the vine withers; all the merrymakers groan."

And then we have the famous phrase, "eat, drink and be merry". This comes from the parable of the rich man who had so much grain he decided to build bigger barns to store them instead of taking some of it to help the needy. He said in Luke 12:19, "And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’ The result of his selfishness and disregard for God caused him to lose his life.

With that said, being merry is not a bad thing; it's okay to be festive and enjoy and celebrate the holidays. But we need to answer the question as to what makes us truly merry? Do we have a merry Christmas because we got what we wanted under the tree? Are we merry because we had a little too much spiked eggnog? Or are we merry because of Jesus?

I hope your Christmas will be a merry one, for all the right reasons. Rejoice and celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior!

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