Notre Dame On Fire
Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 18, 2019 (message contributor)
Just this last Monday (April 15, 2019), many of us were horrified to watch the great Cathedral of Notre Dame on fire. Its great spire toppled into the roof of the cathedral, and many feared that Paris’ most iconic landmark would be a total loss after standing for 850 years.
However, early the next morning, after 12 hours of burning, we saw a glimmer of hope. The cross was still standing above the altar, most of the building was still intact, and we later learned that most of its artifacts and relics were preserved. It will take decades and 2 billion dollars to restore the cathedral, but French business leaders and the public have already donated half that amount, and restoration is expected to begin soon. (“Money pours in to rebuild Notre Dame; fire probe focuses on renovation”, UPI World News, April 17, 2019)
That’s wonderful, but it’s only a glimpse of what Jesus is doing in the hearts and lives of so many today. Sin, like a fire, had ravaged God’s original creation and everybody in it, even you. However, when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he started the greatest restoration of all time. Now, He is at work restoring people and, one day, the entire world!
Please, let Jesus begin that restoration process in you. Just cry out to Him to save you from your sin. Then offer yourself to Him today and every day. Offer yourself to the Lord as His instrument, and watch what He does for you and through you in the days ahead. It will take a lifetime for Him to complete the restoration process, but that process can begin today as your turn your life over to Him.
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