Sermon Illustrations

For many people, Christmas is a time of sadness. They don't have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends. Many are saddened at Christmastime when they think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home for various reasons. Turkey dinners may be only a wish and not a reality for some.

Yet, Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time when God showed his great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. Christmas is a time of celebrating the birth of the Messiah. God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, Jesus, so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life. His birth brought great joy to the world.

Read Luke 2:4-19.

Why did God send his son?

He sent Jesus to us so that one day, he would become our substitute. Jesus was born so the penalty could be paid for the bad things we have done. The Bible says that everyone has sinned. We are all born with a sin nature. We do things that do not please God. We have all inherited the sin nature. We need to have that removed. The only way is through Jesus. Jesus came so he could die on the cross for all of our sins. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins, then you can ask him to be in control of your life. Then, you are clean and made whole.

Jesus told Nicodemus that you may have been born Jewish, but you weren’t born saved. You need to be born again. You may have been born El Salvadorian, but you weren’t born saved. You need to be born again. You may have been born Swedish, but you weren’t born saved. You need to be born again. You may have been born in America, but you weren’t born saved. You need to be born again.

We can truly be happy at Christmas. But you need to be born again. No matter what may happen, we can know that we are his children. We can become sons and daughters of God.

Look at Christmas in a new way this year. Invite Jesus to take control. Then you will have a “Merry Christmas.” The joy and peace will last all year as you look to God to help you live the right kind of life.

Jesus is the reason for the season. Merry Christmas.

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