Sermon Collections
  • Abraham Tested | The Lord Will Provide

    Shared on: Jul 3, 2023

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    Both the Apostle Paul and James refer to the faith of Abraham. For Paul, Abraham was made righteous in Genesis 15 when he believed God and God counted it to him as righteousness. For James, Abraham was proven righteous in Genesis 22 when he showed his faith by obedience to God's command to kill his only son born to him through Sarah--the son of the promise. Though he wasn't sure how God would be faithful to the promise and covenant that he made with Abraham, he believed that God would raise up his son if he was slain. He believed that the Lord would provide for him. That is a truth that we still need to believe in today despite all of our hard and trying circumstances. If God has promised it, he will provide it. Share this good news of the Gospel with your congregation today with this helpful sermon collection filled with an abundance of helpful materials!

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