Sermon Series
  • 1. When God Asks For Your Isaac

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2014
    based on 10 ratings

    God asked Abraham to lay down his Isaac. His story is an incredible picture of the Cross and how God loved us enough to surrender His Son, Jesus, for our sin. Do we love Him enough to surrender our Isaac today?

    It has been said that Christians are like tea bags……they always do best when they get in hot water. In Genesis chapter 22, we find Abraham in the hottest water of his life as God tries his faith. The Bible teaches three key truths about trials in the life of a believer: 1) Trials come to more

  • 2. The Cancer Of Unforgiveness

    Contributed on Jan 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Joseph forgave his jealous brothers when he had a chance to hurt the ones who hurt him. However, forgiveness is me not hurting you, for hurting me. Can you find the unforgiveness of your heart and lay it down? It is a cancer that will kill your soul.

    Sermon Title: THE CANCER OF UNFORGIVENESS Text: Genesis 50 Series: Greatest Chapters of the Bible Dr. Larry Petton Cross Pointe Community Church January 26, 2014 Message #3 in series _________________________________________________________ The story is told by Ernest more

  • 3. Hungering For The Presence Of God

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Moses ran FROM the Presence of God and later he ran TO the Presence of God. Are you hungry for experiencing the Presence of God in your life and ministry? Here is tremendous truth about the Presence of God that is life-changing.

    HUNGERING FOR THE PRESENCE OF GOD Text: Exodus 33 Series: Greatest Chapters of the Bible Sermon #4 Dr. Larry Petton Cross Pointe Community Church _____________________________________________________________________________________________ A church had a special concert and the more

  • 4. Passover: The Lord Is The Lamb

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2014

    The Passover feast in Exodus 12 is one of the clearest pictures of Christ, the Lamb of God. Here are eight great parallels between the lamb and the Lord.

    PASSOVER: The Lord Is The Lamb Dr. Larry Petton Text: Exodus 12 Series: Greatest Chapters of the Bible #5 Cross Pointe Community Church Tontitown, Arkansas _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Holidays more

  • 5. Pressing Into His Presence

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2014

    The Tabernacle of Moses is a perfect picture of who Christ is and how we are to worship Him!

    PRESSING INTO HIS PRESENCE Understanding The Tabernacle Dr. Larry Petton Text: Exodus 40 Series: Greatest Chapters of the Bible #6 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ God can be worshipped any way you want, as more

  • 6. Jesus, Our City Of Refuge!

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2014

    The Cities of Refuge in the Book of Joshua are not only a portrait of Christ, but they are also a picture of the Church, the Body of Christ. We have a refuge in Christ to give to all who are in need of a Savior.

    JESUS, OUR CITY OF REFUGE! Dr. Larry Petton Great Chapters of the Bible #7 Text: Joshua 20 _____________________________________________________________________________________ THINK ABOUT THIS Homelessness is skyrocketing in America. Over 3.5 million Americans live on the streets. more