Preaching Articles

When I first moved to Southern Virginia I had to learn a new cultural vocabulary. I learned about snap peas and butter beans. I acquired a taste for salty cured ham. I also learned about steal toes after a particularly brutal sermon I delivered on our need to bear one another’s burdens rather than to be one another’s burdens.

A sweet lady in the church said to me after the sermon, “Preacha’!” Because that’s what they call a pastor ‘round these parts. “Preacha’! If I’d a known what you were going to say I would have worn my steal toes!” I said, “Why? Because you want to kick me in the shin?” She said, “No! You were stepping on my toes!”

In II Timothy 1:8 the Paul instructs Timothy regarding the manner of his ministry saying, “Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.” (ESV) 

Here are three reasons preachers shouldn’t shy away from harder sermon topics:

1.  The Church is a schoolhouse for disciples.

Church isn’t what we make it. Church isn’t a creation of Christians. We have a specific mission. The mission of every local church is to make and reproduce disciples of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of half-alive Christians because there are a lot of half-alive preachers.

We preach deliverance without repentance which leads to lightly happy, immature souls. We preach repentance without fault, leading to a distorted understanding of sin as inconsequential imperfection rather than a crime against God. We feed starving souls snow cone happy-happy joy-joy thoughts and they leave the meeting house malnourished and weak. Disciples need to be well fed on truth and strengthened by exercise in sacrificial service in the Kingdom.

No soldier ever became a celebrated retired war hero without going through basic training and fighting some battles. Don’t be afraid to preach harder truths. Disciple-making is serious work and being a disciple requires some effort.     

2. The Holy Spirit is a consuming fire

Far too often we pray for the Holy Spirit to meet us in the sermon but we only welcome His joy and not His conviction. Consequently, we receive none of His power. I can imagine nothing more pitiful than to pray for the Holy Spirit to fall with no intention of heeding His call.

“I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11 ESV) Don’t fear the fire. It burns but it also purifies. Step on some toes with Holy Spirit fire. Just do it from the Bible and get ready for God to move in the meeting house. 

3. The only measure of success is faithfulness

Nobody wants to be disliked. This goes at least double for most pastors. Ministry is harder. It’s even harder when you’re unpopular with your people, but he is a poor preacher who gives no offense to his listeners. He either needs them to like him more than he should or considers them too placid or plain to receive truth,

Be faithful to the Word of God and faithful to people by giving them all of its beauty, hardship, and challenge. No serious follower of Christ wants flattery. They want growth. Don’t fear the sensitivity of a few hurt little toes. Preach the truth.  

It is far better to risk offense for the sake of Christ than to gain many friends through docile preaching and be complicit in their lack of growth, spiritual fruit bearing, or worse. Real relevance is high truth, the whole truth, brought low into the hearts of men with passionate loving straightforward biblical preaching, even if a few toes get bruised in the process.


In addition to shepherding the flock as Pastor of Liberty Spring Christian Church in Suffolk, Virginia. Chris Surber is also Founder and Director of Supply and Multiply in Montrouis, Haiti. 

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E L Zacharias

commented on Sep 2, 2016

You offer some very good thoughts, Chris. One early American theologian named CFW Walther wrote a book about properly balancing Law and Gospel. Walther teaches a number of items that post-WW2 preachers often ignore, namely that exhortation is a necessary part of Christian preaching and the apostolic exhortation of the epistles is not so much the accusing law that works repentance but the admonition that coaxes and urges and pleads Christians to BE Christians because of what God has made them in Christ. We are not preaching our members into submission but pricking the conscience that calls them to action. This work will not MAKE them Christians but may in fact save them if their faith had so eroded that they were on the verge of not being Christian at all, by virtue of their starved and emaciated Christian life caused by much inattention to the biblical truths of Scripture.

John Wagner

commented on Dec 26, 2021

Chris, good points all around. However, I implore you to give that elderly lady her toes back... Methinks she meant "steel" toes, not "steal" toes. Believe me, that's not at all to impune anything you said, but I do find humor in ever so much that we preachers do ... :)

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