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  • Why We Follow Jesus

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Feb 12, 2024

    Why do the people in Capernaum seek Jesus? What does the world seek? Why should we seek Jesus?

    What do we seek? Today’s Gospel is set in Capernaum on the day of the Sabbath. Jesus had a support base here with two Disciples, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, calling this place home. With friends nearby, this city will become Jesus’ Galilean home and the staging point for part of His more

  • Poor In Spirit (All Saints Sunday)

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Nov 7, 2023

    Jesus spoke to the Disciples, and to the crowd, but He also speaks to us. He spoke to the 'poor in spirit' and explained that they were blessed. But, who and what are the poor in spirit? This sermon attempted to answer that question.

    Opening and Introduction In today's Gospel lesson, we heard the introduction to the most famous sermon that Jesus delivered, the Sermon on the Mount. 1. Setting the Stage When we align all four of the Gospels, we see that a lot has already happened with His ministry. He’s been baptized by more

  • God's Peace

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Apr 17, 2021

    There are all sorts of things around us that can put worry into our lives. Whatever it is in our lives today, God has a plan to restore our peace.

    Opening and Introduction Our Gospel lesson today starts with words that set the tone for todays’ message. It starts with, “the doors were locked for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19, ESV). Fear is something that’s been around us for this past year as we all had to adjust to a virus run rampant more

  • Being Obedient

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Aug 16, 2020

    The Israelites grumble again against God. Moses responds to their grumbling with anger and loses the privilege of entering the Promised Land. Moses responded with anger and disrespected God. We can learn a few things form an angry man who lashed out against the Creator.

    Introduction Today’s topic is “Being Obedient” and as I look around our society in this COVID-19 time, I see a lot of people who are challenged with being obedient. Many businesses have signs that say you have to wear a mask to enter, yet many don’t obey that sign. We hear repeatedly that we more

  • Weeds Among The Wheat

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Jul 24, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    We may see a lot of destruction and evil around us, but God uses it all to bless His people in ways we might not recognize.

    Opening and Introduction There’s a lot of terrible things going. It seems like every time I turn on the news, I see another act of violence, another senseless act of destruction, and the continuing sickness of the COVID-19 virus. In just this past week, I’ve read about • a man shot and killed more

  • Overcoming Fear

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Jul 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    There so many things going on that can cause fear to seize us. But the whole time, God is right there next to us.

    Opening and Introduction We live in a wild world today, don’t we? There’s a lot of things that can cause us to be uneasy and afraid of how things might turn out. I know I’ve gone through a lot of experiences like that. Many things can make us anxious, and get us concerned, get us worried about more

  • Despair

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Mar 17, 2020

    Sometimes, even faithful people can experience heartache to the point of losing hope. God knows what we're going through and He has a plan for us all.

    Opening and Introduction In our text today, Paul has a summary of one of his travels, and how it affected him. There was a time when things were so bad, that he lost all hope, and despaired of life itself. Despair is one of those words we don’t use every day. We talk about feeling down, sad, or more

  • The Flood

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Mar 6, 2020

    The story of Noah's flood is a familiar one to many of us. It's the story of a big boat and a whole lot of water. But, it's also a story of the character of God and how much He loves us.

    Opening and Introduction Our text today, is the start of a story that many of us have heard from our Sunday School days. It’s the beginning of the Noah’s Ark story. Sin had grown so great, that God decided to start over, erase the world, and begin again. It’s a story of the tragedy of sin. more

  • Be A Conversationalist Series

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Feb 3, 2020

    The church in Corinth had a problem communicating with outsiders and visitors. The church still has that problem. This sermon looks at some of the difficulties that we have dealing with those who are unfamiliar with our faith.

    Opening and Introduction Tonight, we continue our sermon series on sharing our faith. In our text today, we heard about Christians in Corinth that struggled talking to visitors. They were having a hard time communicating the way they wanted to be heard. The gift of tongues was practiced, but more

  • Be An Example Series

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Jan 27, 2020

    The world sees us as examples of Christianity. We have Jesus as our example of how we should act.

    Opening and Introduction In our lesson tonight, we heard part of a longer passage that’s a discussion on how a wife and husband should treat each other. It’s a message about relationships. This text applies to all of us, married or not. We’re all in some form of relationship with each other… more

  • Leave Your Baggage Behind Series

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Jan 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus called Matthew as a disciple, he followed without hesitation. But, we often bring a lot of baggage alongside our faith. How can we work towards dropping our baggage and following Jesus more freely?

    Opening and Introduction In our text today, we heard of a tax collector named Levi, more commonly known as the disciple Matthew. Matthew was working in his toll booth and left everything behind to follow Jesus. He left without hesitation, without conditions, and without negotiating how he would more

  • Seeking A King (Behold)

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Dec 31, 2019

    God wants us to seek him, but we don't always seek him properly. Even with the distractions, we face in life, God is still there waiting for us.

    Opening and Introduction When I think of looking for something, a book designed for kids comes to mind. It’s a book with pictures called “Where’s Waldo”. Did anyone see any of those books? The idea was to look for this guy with a red and white stripped shirt that always seemed to blend-in more

  • Look In (Behold!)

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Dec 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Mary has had a hectic couple of months. After Jesus is born, Mary takes a moment to reflect on what's happened. How do we use the breaks in our lives between the chaos and the crowds during the Christmas season?

    Opening and Introduction Christmas is a pretty busy time of year isn’t it? Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to get it all done? Ever feel like the season is so wonderful to experience, but there’s just is so much going on. In our text today, Mary is experiencing a season like more

  • God, But Man (Strange, But True!)

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Nov 11, 2019

    Simply put, there is only one Jesus, but this Jesus has two natures: He is God and He is man. Paul explains this well as he points to Jesus’ human characteristics, like His death on a cross, while also asserting His divinity, saying that the very fullness of God dwells in Christ.

    The Son was both God and Man to restore His creation 1. Jesus really was a man a. Stepped out of heaven to be like us b. He was born just like us, lived like us, grew up like us c. Lived a humble lifestyle and pinched pennies d. He got tired like us i. Crowds followed him more

  • Real Righteousness

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Oct 29, 2019

    Luther's studies reveled that we are saved by grace through faith, and not by works. That thought is the heart of what the reformation. This sermon ties into the reformation with the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

    Opening and Introduction Tonight, is a special day as we celebrate the reformation. Just over 500 years ago, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses on the Wittenberg church door, which changed the landscape of Europe, and the world. Luther’s disagreement with the Catholic church was very similar to the more