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  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 26, 2012

    This was to let us be sure that we have answered the call of the gospel, by which HE adds us to HIS church and not some sort of denomination begun by a man.

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 3: ‘Accepting the Call of the Gospel’ Three messages in, and the series is just now starting to really heat up; and getting really good if I should say so myself, as the LORD has actually been teaching me a thing or two here as more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 26, 2012

    But is it possible for people today to simply be Christians, without being a member of any man – made denomination?

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 2: ‘The Way Out of Religious Division’ Let me first start off by saying THANK YOU to all of you that made such wonderful replies to the first message of this series. I was well impressed with some of the knowledge you guys more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    Thus far, we have already gone over so many aspects of faith and it’s dynamics. But what have we said about faith’s beginning? I am going to use a lot of scripture in this message, to make the needed points . . .so be ready . . .

    The Faith Factor Part 7 : Faith Unto Salvation This message was put on my heart, as I was driving my way through East Alabama. Thus far, we have already gone over so many aspects of faith and it’s dynamics. But what have we said about faith’s beginning? I am going to use a more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger.

    The Faith Factor Part 6 : Power of the Blood to Overcome As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger. How some things in people’s more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    It has always been at this point in people’s lives where faith seems to "fail" for them. For some unknown reason, they feel as if faith has "let them down" and not "done what it was suppose to do" for them.

    The Faith Factor Part 5 : Having Authority in Faith It has always been at this point in people’s lives where faith seems to "fail" for them. For some unknown reason, they feel as if faith has "let them down" and not "done what it was suppose to do" for them. In this next message, we more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    If you were able to pick a story from the Bible that showed you a form of faith that you, personally, could relate to . . . do you know who it is you would pick?

    The Faith Factor Part 4: : "Faith Says Never Quit!" If you were able to pick a story from the Bible that showed you a form of faith that you, personally, could relate to . . . do you know who it is you would pick? To pick out a particular person, you would have to base it on what you have more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    As many of you know, the world is full of skeptics. They tend to study it all and still question everything there is to know about it.

    The Faith Factor Part 3: "Getting Faith" As we continue on our journey into the world of faith . . . let’s take a brief look at what we have already gone over. THE FIRST AND FOREMOST important fact that we saw was that faith will ALWAYS tell you that JESUS is alive today! As many more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating


    THE FAITH FACTOR Part 2 : "Faith Knows Jesus is Alive!" There is so much on my heart that I want to share with you, that I just couldn’t wait for later to send this next message out. With Easter just around the corner, it is most important to know, that for faith to work in JESUS, you more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    "Reverend Sam . . . you seem to always ask others for their testimonial words. Why not use some of your own testimonies?"

    THE FAITH FACTOR Part 1: What is faith? For those of you that have been with this Ministry for a long while, you know, one of my favorite topics to preach on is indeed: "Faith". As I spoke to some of you personally on the phone, I asked that you share some of the experiences your more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I am by no means a perfect man . . . and I know I make mistakes . . . but I do everything I can possibly do to make sure that when I am preaching to you on any given topic, that I have the Word of GOD to back me up . . . With that in mind, I want to s

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 8: “Maintaining Unity in the Local Community” You know you have to admit the fact that when a preacher gets on a topic such as this, he has to be most careful to word himself just as the LORD would have him do . . . I know a lot of more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    There were a lot of questions that came in from the last message, so hopefully in this message; I will be able to answer some of them . . .

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 7: ‘Further Thoughts Related to Authority in Religion’ I never would have thought I would have gotten so many responses to the last message, but I thank GOD that so many of you have taken such an active interest to this Email Ministry, more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    Consider this . . . some of the ‘objective’ standards of authority could be the sources outside of ourselves that we look to direct us . . .

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 6: ‘What Many Accept as Authority in Religion’ Within the last message, I endeavored to show you three things . . . (1) That it is through the writing of the apostles, the “apostles’ doctrine” that the LORD speaks and more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    I want you all to know that the importance to all of this relates very closely to the subject of “Authority in Religion” . . . It is impossible to maintain unity unless we can agree upon a ‘standard’ of authority. Funny thing is . . .

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 5: “Determining Our Standard of Authority” Now that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s can be put behind us, maybe we can start putting more emphasis on those things we should be working on through out the year . . . starting more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    Now I know that many people have a problem with the idea that baptism is for the remission of sins . . . To them, baptism has nothing to do with GOD’S plan of salvation. To them, to suggest baptism is necessary . . . is to deny we are justified by

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 4: ‘Is Baptism a Necessary Part of the Gospel?’ When you are out there busting your rear to make ends meet, we all have a tendency to put things on a ‘back burner’, and make plans to get them at a later date. The problem more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    With all the different views today, ‘Why is Denominationalism Wrong?’

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 1: ‘Why is Denominationalism Wrong?’ Let me tell all of you something very unique . . . As from the very first part of even making mention of this type of series, I met some strong rebuttals from a lot of fellow Christians, as well as more