  • Richard Lankford

    Contributing sermons since Jul 11, 2022
Richard's church

Atlanta International Christian Praise Center

About Richard
  • Experience: Licensed to preach the Gospel in 1977. - Ordained into the Ministry in 1979. - Former Pastor of Springfield Baptist Church, Hogansville Ga. - Zion Hill Baptist Church, Breman, Georgia - Mount Olive Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia - and Present Founder and Overseer of The Atlanta International Christian Praise Center.
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Newest Sermons

  • The Mending Of Our Minds

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many of the things we hear and are exposed to on a regular basis shape the way we think throughout life. And for a majority of the time, our thoughts ultimately determine the actions that we take and the conclusions that we reach..

    One of the things that I have discovered... not only about my own life... but about the lives of all of us as Children of God... is that whenever we face days of conflict or days of adversity, our frame of mind (our mental attitude) (our thoughts) usually determine how we come out of these more

  • The Difficult Dilemma Of Death

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2022

    One of the most trying and penetrating moments of our lives come, when we are forced to face the reality that someone we have loved so closely and so dearly is no longer with us in this world.

    Even for many of us, that have been saved... born again...and filled with the Scriptures from God's Word, there can come those moments in life, when it becomes difficult for us... to "Understand God". It's hard for us to understand - what God is doing!... It's hard for us to more