The Difficult Dilemma Of Death
Contributed by Richard Lankford on Jul 12, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: One of the most trying and penetrating moments of our lives come, when we are forced to face the reality that someone we have loved so closely and so dearly is no longer with us in this world.
Even for many of us, that have been saved... born again...and filled with the Scriptures from God's Word, there can come those moments in life, when it becomes difficult for us... to "Understand God".
It's hard for us to understand - what God is doing!... It's hard for us to understand - where God's presence is, in the midst of our darkest hours!... It's hard for us to understand - why God isn't doing what we've asked him to do!... It's hard for us to understand - how God could allow certain things to happen!... It's hard for us to understand - why God didn't stop certain things from happening!... It's hard for us to understand - how God could do for one and not do for another!... It's hard for us to understand - How God could sit back and not send His wrath against so much evil and wrongdoing in this world!... - It's hard for us to understand - how God would permit the evil, wicked, and sinful people in this world to gather enormous wealth and never seem to suffer serious affliction, while His own children have hardly enough to live on and may be stricken at any moment with any form of illness.
Oh Yes! - There is so much about God that is often difficult to understand.
Sometimes, in the stormy periods of our lives, we may be tempted to ask,..."If God actually loves us so much"... "If He is truly a God of Mercy and a God of Grace"... If God really does answer our prayers"... "If God sincerely cares about us and the needs that we have"... "if God is our Provider, and our Protector, and our Deliverer, and our Restorer"... then..."How could God?".. "Why did God?... "Why didn't God?"... "Where was God?"..."Why wouldn't God?"
Oh yes, for certain, we are saved. Yes, we have truly been born again. Yes, we have lived our lives as sincere believers in Jesus Christ. Yes, we have trusted in God with no compromise. But the hard, unimaginable, and difficult circumstances of life have suddenly fought against us, causing the humanity of our minds to search for a new understanding of God.
Now, it may be more difficult for some of us, to hear God's response to our questions. For in Isaiah 55:8-9, God reveals this unto us. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts... neither are your ways my ways...saith the Lord... for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours... and my thoughts than your thoughts."
God is saying to each of us..."There are certain things about me that you will never be able to fully understand with your human mind. - God says..."I am Spirit... but you are clothed in your humanity right now."... "I am Eternal... but you are a temporary being in an earthly form, unable to discern all spiritual things right now."... I am Infinite and Unlimited...but you are finite and limited in what you can understand right now."..."I, alone, am Omniscient, all knowing... but your knowledge is still limited to that which I have chosen to reveal unto you."... "I am Omnipresent, present in every moment of time, past, present, and future... but you can only occupy one space at a time... one place at a time... and one moment at a time."... "I am the Almighty Creator... but you are the creature because I created you... and I know full well how much of me you are able to comprehend."
Even in 2nd Corinthians 2:26, the Apostle Paul asks the question, "For who can know the mind of God?" Paul says, "I certainly can't claim to know it all... and I haven't met anyone yet... that knows it all."
A few days ago, I believe the Lord spoke a great truth into my spirit. For I heard Him say, "With God, our Eternal Good always takes precedence over our Temporary Comfort.
Now, all of this in reference to God has come to bear, as we now face this mysterious experience we have come to call death. It is not an occurrence that God has hidden from us. For in Hebrews 9:27, he clearly tells us, "It is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgement." Death is therefore an appointment, set by God and not by us. And it is an appointment that we must keep. We have all hopefully learned by now that death is as certain as life itself....That no amount of prevention can keep death away from us forever... that the shocking and disturbing reality we've discovered is that death may come early in the lives of some and later in the lives of others... that death may come from cancer, an accident, heart failure, a murderous act, diabetes, a disaster, a tumor, an assault, an aneurysm, and especially from old age. And because we presently live in this physical world, we are all exposed to the possibility that one of these causes, or something else not mentioned, may bring about our own death.