Sermon Series
  • 1. The Second And Third Post Resurrection Of Jesus In John's Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2020

    The barrier to faith for the disciples was fear and for Thomas Doubt. A word from Jesus overcame fear and doubt

    Story: The late Dr Billy Graham told this story based in the 19th Century Auguste Comte (19 January 1798 – 5 September 1857), the French philosopher, and Thomas Carlyle, (4 December 1795 – 5 February 1881) the Scottish essayist met and started to have a discussion. Comte said he was going to more

  • 2. The Final Post Resurrection Appearance In John's Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2020

    Peter had failed Jesus by denying him 3 times and Jesus forgives him by allowing him to negate each of the three denials. We will fail but when we come to Jesus he will restore us

    Jn 21:1-19 Introduction As I mentioned last Sunday and also on Easter Sunday, John records only four of the Post Resurrection appearances of Jesus. I think his reason for doing so is that the aim of his book is to awaken faith – and not to be - JUST another historical record of the times of more

  • 3. The First Of The Post Resurrection Appearances In John's Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2020

    Mary was overcome with Grief. It was a word from the Risen Lord that released her from her grief

    Coronavirus Wk 3 Easter 2020 Sermon Today is Easter 2020 and this morning I would like to look one character in or Gospel reading Mary Magdalene. And I would like to see her in the light of one verse -from the New Testament – from 2 Cor 5:17 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new more