  • Ps Trevor Bartley

    Contributing sermons since Jun 17, 2016
Ps Trevor's church

Faith Works International
Brisbane, QLD 4341
+61 412380444

About Ps Trevor
  • Education: Diploma in Christian Ministry and Theology
  • Experience: 35 years in full time ministry. Serving as a Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, Associate Pastor, and director of a denomination. My Apostolic gifting has given me opportunities to develop training programs and resources to equip, disciple and mobilise Christians for ministry in community groups, Bible colleges and churches worldwide
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Biblical myth busters
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife is my biggest encourager and critic. She feels the world needs to hear my sermons.
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  • The Fig Tree And Judgment

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    So many people when they think of judgment they believe that it is a negative thing, but it is all about the outcome. If you are being judged or assessed on your performance and then rewarded for your effort it is a good thing, when you know you did your very best.

    JUDGMENT! There are a number of judgements found in the Bible. So many people when they think of judgment they believe that it is a negative thing, but it is all about the outcome. If you are being judged or assessed on your performance and then rewarded for your effort it is a good thing, more

  • Thy Word - Logos & Rhema

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2018

    There are two primary Greek words I would like to investigate today that describe Scripture as the “Word” in the New Testament. The first is the Greek word logos and the second is Rhema.

    There are two more primary Greek words I would like to investigate today that describe Scripture as the “Word” in the New Testament. The first is the Greek word logos; this refers principally to the totally inspired Word of God and to Jesus, who is the outworking or manifestation of the living more

  • What Is Pentecost?

    Contributed on May 25, 2018

    The words of Jesus found in Acts 1:4 intrigued me “Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak.” Are you interested to find out what Jesus said to His disciples?

    THE RUACH HA-KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) It has been 50 days since resurrection Sunday, culminating the 50th day for the Jews as Chag HaShavuot (Feast of Weeks) (Exodus 34:22). For the Christians, this is the day of the indwelling of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (HOLY SPIRIT) on the first disciples. more

  • The Gift Of Salvation – Righteousness

    Contributed on May 25, 2018

    Don't allow the cares of the day to let you lose sight of who you are in Christ Jesus and all the wonderful gifts He willingly died for so you can have a life of victory in Him. Stay close to Jesus and you will always overcome!

    THE GIFT OF SALVATION – Righteousness Do You Consider Yourself Righteous? It is commonly thought that righteousness must be earned. Anything worth having must be earned—right? To make something valuable, you have to do something for it. Not so in the Kingdom of God. In fact, something as more

  • Why Christians Don't Get Their Prayers Answered

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2018

    I have found the answer to the question or comment we hear a lot, “If God is good all the time and He is the healer, why did my family member die? They went to church, read their Bible, prayed and even tithed, they were the best Christian.

    God takes the responsibility to ensure that His Word will come to pass on the Earth. He has invested His Word through His Son (the Logos) so that someone can speak into existence His will for the Earth. All He needs is someone to speak into existence His will via His Word, the Logos and more

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