  • Noel Schreuder

    Contributing sermons since Jan 19, 2021
Noel's church

Dutch Reformed Church Peacehaven, South Africa

About Noel
  • Experience: Pastor for 42 years
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Newest Sermons

  • Live With Hope

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2022

    Many times we hope that God will change our circumstances, will calm the storms of life, and when it doesn't happen as we hoped, we easily become despondent and even pessimistic.

    LIVE WITH HOPE “Hope. What is hope?” asks Jo Black (an Afrikaans singer from South Africa) in his popular Afrikaans song with the same name. This song became an overnight success and reached the number one spot almost as soon as it was released. Why? Because it is something we need so much in this more

  • Encouragement For Hurting Fathers On Father's Day

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2021

    On Father's Day, fathers are honored for being great dads to their children. But what about the hurting dads, whose children broke their hearts because they lost the plot? To these hurting dads, who often suffer in silence, I want to bring a message of encouragement today.

    THE HURTING FATHER WHO CONTINUES TO BELIEVE IN GOD AND FINDS REST IN HIM Having good memories of your father is a great blessing. Many times at family gatherings, the conversation with my father turned in the direction of: “Remember Dad, the time when we ...”, and then there was a good laugh about more

  • Fear Or Faith? Hope Or Despair?

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2021

    What does your year ahead look like? Is it a year full of faith and hope? Or is it a year full of fear and despair? I think we would all like to say that it is a year full of faith and hope, but the reality of life is that for many people it is just another year of fear and despair ...

    What does your year ahead look like? Is it a year full of faith and hope? Or is it a year full of fear and despair? I think we would all like to say that it is a year full of faith and hope, but the reality of life is that for many people it is just another year of fear and despair ... Because we more