The Meek Series
Contributed by Mike Hamilton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The meek are those who have gone through "brokenness" (Poor in Spirit), mourned their sinful condition (that which led to brokenness) and now they submit to Christ (meek).
“The Meek”
Matthew 5:5
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
The term “blessed” literally means “approved.”
True Happiness comes when one receives God’s approval.
The fundamental question that everyone who reads the Sermon on the Mount is faced with is, who’s approval will you seek? Will you seek man’s approval, or God’s approval?
The Sermon on the Mount is a MANIFESTO for those who receive God’s approval and for those who gain entrance into His new kingdom.
First we looked at the “poor in Spirit.” They are those who come to the realization that they are spiritually bankrupt before God; that they are totally dependent upon Him.
Second we looked at “those who mourn.” This is the natural response of those who are “poor in Spirit.” They see the darkness of their sin before a Holy God and it leads them to cry out in deep anguish.
Today we will look at “the meek.”
It is important for us to realize that the beatitudes are not eight separate and distinct classifications of Christians. They are eight qualities that every Christian should display in their lives AND as we are discovering, they are intimately tying together.
I. What it is NOT.
A. Meek does not mean “weak.”
B. Meek does not mean a person never gets angry.
C. Meek does not mean a person is helpless.
D. How do we know that these things do not represent meekness? Because the Lord said of himself, “I am meek and lowly.”
1. He was not weak.
2. He got angry (clearing the temple).
3. He was not helpless.
II. So, what does it mean to be Meek?
A. Our greatest clue for understanding what it means to be meek is to consider biblical examples of those who are described as meek.
B. Jesus (from the above passage — Matthew 11:28-29)
1. Remember how the beatitudes tie together? Now apply that here.
2. The meek are those who have realized their spiritual bankruptcy.
3. They have mourned over their sin that led to that bankruptcy.
Matthew 11:28-29 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
a. They are no longer self-sufficient because they have seen what “self” is like.
b. They realize that they cannot save themselves.
c. The Lord is the ONLY hope, and he can give them rest. They now turn to Christ for their salvation (FAITH).
5. Getting to this point develops a new attitude: They are no longer SELF-SUFFICIENT.
A.W. Tozer says it this way: “Being meek means a person has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God’s estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything.”
III. Manifestations of a Meek Christian.
A. As we have said, getting to this point develops a NEW ATTITUDE in the life of the Christian. And this NEW ATTITUDE manifests itself in different ways.
1. Meek manifests itself in that the meek accept what God has ordained for them.
a. Horatio Spafford -- “Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, ‘It is well, It is well, with my soul.”
b. Paul — 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
2. Meek manifests itself in that the meek are content in all circumstances.
a. This stands to reason that if a person has accepted their lot, they are content.
b. Those who are not content are those who want more because they think they DESERVE more (Pride).
3. Meek manifests itself in that when others insult the meek, they feel no need to defend themselves because the Lord will defend them.
Numbers 12:1ff
IV. The Meek will Inherit the Earth.
A. Isn’t that opposite what the world teaches?
The world teaches us to “Get all we can, can all we get, and then sit on our can.”
1. The world teaches that the strong will survive.
2. The world teaches that those who exert (overwork) themselves will reach their materialistic goals.
3. The world teaches that you can deserve something,
and in some church settings, that translates into “I deserve something from God.” OR, “God owes me something.”
B. But Jesus teaches us that the Meek inherit the earth.
Psalm 37:11 — But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
It is the reward so many pursue in life. Yet Jesus says this reward comes to those who do not pursue it. Rather, they pursue his kingdom and his righteousness.