  • Michelle Richee

    Contributing sermons since Aug 4, 2004
Michelle's church

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134
918 828 9175

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  • Changed In His Presence!

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    We can only speak convincingly to someone about the God we know -- the One we spend time with. Any other god belongs in a theology book. I know the God I serve. He totally changed my life. He changed me.

    We can only speak convincingly to someone about the God we know -- the One we spend time with. Any other god belongs in a theology book. I know the God I serve. He totally changed my life. He changed me. I remember while in Tokyo observing the people going to a public outdoor "worship" more

  • Growing, Growing, Grown!

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Just like we enjoy watching our vegetable garden blossoming and growing -- our Heavenly Father, just loves watching His kids grow up into exactly what He has ordained for them to be.

    While carefully inspecting and counting the tiny little peppers growing from my sole jalapeno pepper plant, I remembered Grandma’s words, I love watching things grow. She planted the strangest things, unlike regular vegetable gardens. Grandma grew cotton and tobacco and just about anything! I more

  • The God Of More Than Enough

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    2004 is the year for more. A year of supernatural increase and more than enough for God’s people.

    Many have spoken this is a year for increase, a year for more -- 2004 a year for more! It has been spoken over my life, and I believe it. There are five months left in this year. What do those five months have in store for you? Think big. Enlarge your vision. God can do more during those five more