  • Marv Mutzenberger

    Contributing sermons since Oct 11, 2004
Marv's church

Our Savior's
Stanton, North Dakota 58571
701 745-3308

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  • It's All About The Kingdom

    Contributed on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    The beatitudes are neither moral commands or value recommendations - they are pictures of the Kingdom painted by Jesus

    IT’S ALL ABOUT GOD’S KINGDOM Luke 6:20-31 To appreciate today’s gospel, the beginning of the Sermon on the Plain, we need to understand how Luke leads up to it. Luke, chapter 6, begins in a grainfield. Jesus and his disciples are harvesting and eating grain. Some of the Pharisees confront more

  • Not A Leg To Stand On

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    Neither the Pharisee or the tax collector, and none of us have a leg to stand on when we use the standard of God to make judgments about ourselves.

    NOT A LEG TO STAND ON Luke 18:9-14 The parable of The Pharisee and the Publican, in today’s lectionary, is called the Pharisee and a tax collector. Some of you have heard four or five, maybe nine or ten, or even more sermons on this text. It’s very familiar. It’s a bible story so more

  • One Of Them Turned Back

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Begin with imaginative rationale for nine who did not return, and conclude with the gospel of God’s great mercy and the human response of worship

    ONE OF THEM TURNED BACK Luke 17:11-19 When we meet new people, we ask questions like, “Where did you grow up? Did you live in town or on a farm? Where did you go to college? We ask questions like that because place and background are important. Are you German or Norwegian or more