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  • The Discipline Of Delay

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jan 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Dr. Wood used this sermon to inform the congregation that often God uses delay in order to discipline us or steer us in the direction that He intends for the good of His kingdom.

    John 11:1–46 INTRODUCTION: Too often, we worry when we should wait, and we resist when we should resign. Often God’s delays are explained in that God wishes to teach us our need of patience (see Hebrews 10:36). In our text, Lazarus was on his deathbed and yet Jesus delayed (see vv. 1–6). more

  • The Great Missionary Commissioning

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jul 28, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Dr. Wood shows his listeners four things the Church at Antioch had that the church desperately needs today.

    The church at Antioch became the model distribution center of its day. That is what churches are to be A distribution center for the Gospel. Not just for its local area but focused on the world God gives the routes in Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; more

  • A Ministry Is Born

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Dr Wood uses this text to show four things that will happen when God is at work in the lives of people.

    Verses 19-20 Hellenist – Greek Speaking Jews The Hellenist were the ones who killed Stephen and attempted to kill Saul Now they are being converted to Jesus in Antioch Antioch is located in the Northeast tip of the Mediterranean Sea What is now the northern part of Syria. This Antioch should more

  • Take Church Seriously

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    This message brings out the importance of taking worship to where God intended it to be, we need to stop allowing our minds to wander when it comes to worship

    There are three things we must keep a check on when it comes to taking God seriously. 1. Keep a check on our worship a. Worship comes from the Anglo Saxon word – Worthship i. it means ‘worthiness.’ Ultimately it has come to mean to give value or meaning to something or someone. ii. Ask your self more

  • Where Is The Forest?

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jun 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Dr. Wood shows that soemtimes we cannot see the forest for the trees when it come to injustice in tis world.

    Verse 16 What Solomon Saw He saw what he perceived as injustice The Guilty went free The innocent suffered unjustly The rich could buy their freedom (OJ Simpson) The poor was abused Solomon makes three comments about the lack of Justice. 1) Judgment is coming Verse 17 a. These inequalities of more

  • It Is Not Fair

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Jun 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Dr. Wood shows his listeners that life is not fair as we know it, he uses this passage to show that Solomon wants people to live above this world.

    When Solomon first began His book of Ecclesiastes He looked at life from an overall philosophical view point. This is to say he was looking at it from a wisdom point of view. He said that life was al meaningless and just continued like a snowball rolling down hill. As King Solomon got to look more

  • Can't Keep Good News Down

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    Dr. Wood shows his audience that in the midst of problems the good news of Jesus Christ cannot be held back. God uses three groups to get the good news out. The unexpected, the unsuspected and the undeflected.

    The council that had convened was prepared to kill the disciples. God had miraculously freed them from the prison and they returned right back to doing what the temple rulers had told them not to do The Good news was too good to keep it to themselves. Verse 33 There were some that were ready to more

  • The Least Is Sometimes The Most

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 47 ratings

    Dr Wood shows the congregation that a person does not always need to be in the spotlight. God often uses those people who are behind the scenes. Dr. Wood uses Andrew the bother of Peter as his scriptural background.

    A little Girl went on a errand for her mother. The little girl was late in returning. The mother asked for an explanation for why she was so late. The little girl explained that her little playmate had fell and broke her doll. The mother was wandering how she could help with a broken doll. She more

  • Suffering Shame In The Name

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Mar 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon to show the congregation that the first witnesses of Jesus Christ were willing at any moment to give their life for the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our call today is no different. We should be willing to die for the Gospel of Jes

    Suffering Shame in the name of any person simply means that you have given your life to that person in order to suffer shame. We think of the negative aspect of suffering shame. I can think of an abusive husband who continually humiliates his wife. She is shamed by it but continues to stand by more

  • Holy Hands Bring Holy People

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Mar 9, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon to bring his listeners to the point of understanding that the first church was on target to build the church of today. He used an illustration to show God’s desire to have breakout churches reaching people for Jesus.

    Suppose I take a match and drop it into a can of gasoline? Suddenly it would have a great release of energy. On the other hand I can take that same can of gasoline and put into the tank of a car and it can go through the course of gas lines and make its way into the carburetor and then it be more

  • God Ended Silence With Silence

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Feb 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon at Christmas show his listeners how God worked through the life of a doubting priest when He blessed him with his first son at an old age. Of course, this son was John the Baptist. Dr. Wood show what can happen at the feet of p

    Introduction: The story is told of a small town in which there were no liquor stores. Eventually, however, a nightclub was built right on Main Street. Members of one of the churches in the area were so disturbed that they conducted several all night prayer meetings, and asked the Lord to burn down more

  • Reaching New Heights

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Feb 18, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon Show his listeners that we must set our goals high for what we want to accomplish for God. Dr. Wood shares what we must do to reach these goals, and some of the hindrances we face as we climb toward the top of our mountain.

    Illustration Few things can compare to scaling high mountain peeks. The views from atop these mountains are breathtaking in their beauty and magnificence. The highest peaks on each of the seven continents are as follows: Australia-Mt. Kosciusko at 7316 feet; Antarctica-Vinson Massif at 16,860 more

  • The Ultimate Valentine

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Feb 18, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon Show his listeners that Jesus Christ became our Ultimate Valentine and we should in-turn be His. This message can be used for a call to church unity. It is imperative that people love each other in order to love God the way He

    I. One heart Verse 32 a. The word Heart here is from the Greek Work καρδία kardia – in Hebrew the root behind this word is the sense of reason, the emotion ad the will b. A sub point to this is One soul Here we find the Greek Word ψυχή psuchē more

  • A Picture Of Revival

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Feb 18, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon to illustrate the first revival of the modern church. He uses the illustration of the process of taking picture to illustrate how this revival took place. In four points, we see that revival does not just take place in the chur

    When taking a picture You must take steps in a certain order 1. set up and focus 2. click the trigger 3. a flash goes off at just the right time 4. the shutter opens and exposes the film 5. The film is not any good until it is developed 6. The film is then made into a negative a. A negative is not more

  • Spiritual Intoxication Part 2

    Contributed by Mark Wood on Feb 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Dr. Wood used this sermon to show his listener that the first church was totally consumed with God and they did great things in His power. Unbelievers cannot understand the happenings of Christianity until they give their heart and life to Jesus Christ.

    A contrast of Wine and the spirit Alcohol gives artificial exhilaration The Spirit Gives Holy elevation Alcohol excites evil The spirit points men toward good Alcohol will give you a hangover The spirit will give you power over Alcohol will cause a man to act foolishly The spirit will incite more