The Discipline Of Delay
Contributed by Mark Wood on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Dr. Wood used this sermon to inform the congregation that often God uses delay in order to discipline us or steer us in the direction that He intends for the good of His kingdom.
John 11:1–46
INTRODUCTION: Too often, we worry when we should wait, and we resist when we should resign. Often God’s delays are explained in that God wishes to teach us our need of patience (see Hebrews 10:36). In our text, Lazarus was on his deathbed and yet Jesus delayed (see vv. 1–6). Why
The reasons for delay
1. The Character
a. The character of the delay is wrapped up in the person in whom the delay takes place
b. Mary and Martha was the characters of the delay
i. Not Lazarus
ii. He was in heaven
iii. Note he was a friend of the Lord
c. Mary and Martha were believers
i. A non believer may experience delay so that Christ can be proved in their lives
ii. Note the other mourners ere they believers or seekers
1. They became convince of Christ
2. The Cause
a. Often God intends to make a point
i. Here we find Martha recognizing that Lazarus would be raised.
1. It would be at the call of the loudest trumpet blast in History
2. She recognized that the dead in Christ would be raised first
b. Often God Teaches a lesson
i. His disciples were close to Him and yet they still did not fully understand
ii. Jesus used this to teach His disciple that His timing and Schedule was perfect
1. Why?
2. Because He was on the Father’s Schedule
a. He prayed to he Father for Guidance
c. Often God ensures His promise
i. Psalm 50:15 Comes into play
ii. Each experience in suffering through delay should increase our faith
1. This is not automatic it must be exercised
2. God Knows this and He often uses it to make us stronger
3. The Cost
a. We will suffer and sometimes grieve
i. Life is not a bouquet of Roses
ii. Sometime we run into life’s sewer and must remain there for a time
iii. There is a cost
iv. Would you not agree that the payment of suffering that Martha and Mary endure tough
v. Martha was a busy person
1. Jesus rebuked her for being Torn apart by so many things
2. Jesus brought Martha to focus on one thing;
a. HIM!
4. The Compensation
a. Martha and Mary Got Lazarus back
i. True but unimportant
ii. He came back From Heaven
1. May be why Jesus wept
b. Many people came to know Jesus because of His delay
i. His timing is perfect
ii. He works for the greater good of the kingdom of heaven
iii. All Too Often we get in the way
c. The question is why is there delay in Christ coming back to free His people of the carnality of this world?
i. Could it be because of you
1. Do you know Christ
2. Are you delayed in an avenue of life so that you can be raised from the death of sin?
ii. Lazarus was a Christian yet He was used and sacrificed of the good of the Kingdom of God
1. Much like Christ he left heaven
a. He became a tremendous testimony
2. Lazarus was delayed from heave in order to serve a few more days here on earth.