  • Lanny Freeman

    Contributing sermons since Feb 19, 2017
Lanny's church

Retired, but gladly accepting Pulpit Supply and Interim callings

About Lanny
  • Experience: Youth For Christ Campus Life Club Director early in career. Pastored originally with the Assemblies of God in Tennessee and Florida before ordination with the Southern Baptist Convention. I've had the honor of building an SBC church in Florida that continues to thrive to this day. Now I accept Pulpit Supply and Interim ministry - Currently in the state of Oklahoma. Retired due to disability.
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Newest Sermons

  • The Dangers Of Wireless Messages (The Uncontrolled Tongue)

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Controlling the tongue - What is acceptable, and what is not. How are we to react?

    Opening Illustration – Demonstrate the types of “wireless” technology available today. (with each item, conclude with “no restraints . . . unless the battery dies – no signal – etc) The conclusion of the illustration: Wireless has no restraint – However, the battery never dies with the tongue, more

  • The Tragedy Of Joash

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    King Joash learns a valuable lesson on perseverance. . . an ungodly king that decides to give God a “try”. He learns that “trying” is not enough.

    THE TRAGEDY OF JOASH - 2 Kings 13:14-19 (NKJV) Illustration - In 1935, Charles Darrow brought his invention of Monopoly to Parker Brothers. The experts at Parker Brothers rejected the game for "containing fifty-two fundamental errors." The persistent Charles Darrow had spent the year after his more

  • Forgive & Forget?

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2002
    based on 178 ratings

    Steps to forgiveness - learning to "let it go".

    INTRO – Forgive & Forget? Illustration – I recall learning a lesson at summer camp as a young boy. I didn’t have much spending money to take with me. One of my few, inexpensive enjoyments was a box of mini-chiclets. One particular day I had bought a packet, and after chewing a few, I placed more