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  • The Dangers Of Wireless Messages (The Uncontrolled Tongue)

    Contributed by Lanny Freeman on Dec 15, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Controlling the tongue - What is acceptable, and what is not. How are we to react?

    Opening Illustration – Demonstrate the types of “wireless” technology available today. (with each item, conclude with “no restraints . . . unless the battery dies – no signal – etc) The conclusion of the illustration: Wireless has no restraint – However, the battery never dies with the tongue, and more

  • The Tragedy Of Joash

    Contributed by Lanny Freeman on Nov 1, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    King Joash learns a valuable lesson on perseverance. . . an ungodly king that decides to give God a “try”. He learns that “trying” is not enough.

    THE TRAGEDY OF JOASH - 2 Kings 13:14-19 (NKJV) Illustration - In 1935, Charles Darrow brought his invention of Monopoly to Parker Brothers. The experts at Parker Brothers rejected the game for "containing fifty-two fundamental errors." The persistent Charles Darrow had spent the year after his more

  • Forgive & Forget?

    Contributed by Lanny Freeman on Sep 7, 2002
    based on 178 ratings

    Steps to forgiveness - learning to "let it go".

    INTRO – Forgive & Forget? Illustration – I recall learning a lesson at summer camp as a young boy. I didn’t have much spending money to take with me. One of my few, inexpensive enjoyments was a box of mini-chiclets. One particular day I had bought a packet, and after chewing a few, I placed the more