  • Kristen Lowe

    Contributing sermons since Jan 20, 2019
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  • All Creatures Great And Small

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    We know that we are saved through what Christ did for us. But, what about our pets? What about other living things? Does God have a plan for them too?

    All creatures great and small 7.16.23 Kristen Lowe God created the mule and told him: "You will be mule, working constantly from dusk to dawn, carrying heavy loads on your back. You will eat grass and you will lack intelligence. You will live for 50 more

  • The Temple: The Dwelling Place Of The Holy

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Can we be caring Christians yet still take time out to deeply care for ourselves?

    I had a talk with someone this week who said they don’t know why they are exhausted. I said, “When is the last time you got a massage, or took a day away for yourself, or simply said, “No?” This person looked at me with deep puzzlement. She didn’t understand how a person could be Christian and more