Kevin O'connor
Contributing sermons since Apr 20, 2018
Newest Sermons
Preparing For The Kingdom
Contributed on Jan 7, 2019
We prepare for every major event in this world. It's time to prepare for Jesus second coming.
Romans 13:11-12 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber?, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So, let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on ...read more
"Enduring Faith"
Contributed on Oct 15, 2018
What we must add to our faith to deal with an apostate culture
“Enduring Faith” #1 (2 Peter 1:1-11) In an age of ever-increasing apostasy, we have several books in the Bible written to help us with what Jesus called the great falling away. Enduring Faith 1. Durable: able to withstand wear, pressure or damage from this culture. 2. Stable: not likely to give ...read more
Walk The Talk "It All Starts At Home"
Contributed on Sep 10, 2018
God releases power to the believer to live a holy life starting with the home
“Walk the Talk” #5 (It All Starts in the Home) S-2 An example for the next generation starts in the home. S-3 The only constant in this world is God. Jackie Hill Perry. Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been (Kindle Location 82). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle ...read more
Walk The Talk "A War Against Your Soul"
Contributed on Sep 3, 2018
To walk the obedient life we must realize the context in which we live. There is a war against waging against our souls.
“Walk the Talk” #4 (The War against your Soul) S-2 Being born-again brought you into an existing war. S-3 I Peter 2:11-12 S-4 A War against your Soul 1. Inward war from sinful desires (fleshly lust) 2. Outward war by those that speak against you, accusing you of doing wrong. 3. The reality ...read more
Walk The Talk "Get Rid Of 5 Deadly Sins"
Contributed on Aug 27, 2018
Christians sins are silent to us. We deceive ourselves into impurity.
“Walk the Talk” #3 (Get Rid of 5 Deadly Sins) S-2 A realignment with God, and His sacredness, and majesty! Sometimes we must get rid of things as a part of the alignment. S-3 I Peter 2:1-3 S-4 Getting Rid of 5 Deadly Sins 1. Malice: deliberate ill-will 2. Deceit: The intentional misleading or ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Gospel Of Matthew
Contributed on Jan 7, 2019
God Of The Bible
Contributed on May 21, 2018
From Darkness To Light
Contributed on Apr 20, 2018