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  • New In Christ

    Contributed by John Johnson on Oct 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A high level of excitement sets in when you anticipate and then finally get something new. As I thought about getting something new, I wondered to myself how many of us get equally excited about obtaining a new life in Christ.

    New In Christ (TLC 11/16/02) If you have your bibles, turn to 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Let me start off by saying that there are a lot of people that are trying to be new more

  • Be Faithful

    Contributed by John Johnson on Oct 26, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Faithfulness to God is not always easy. Faithfulness to God may result in some problems.

    2 Tim. 2:2:3 II Timothy is Paul’s last will and testament to his spiritual son Timothy. Writing from a Roman prison cell, Paul imparts his final words of wisdom and encouragement to Timothy who is ministering in the midst of hardship and opposition in Ephesus. Paul stresses the importance of more

  • Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

    Contributed by John Johnson on Sep 29, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    The most basic essential for any healthy church is a commitment to hearing, learning, and applying God’s Word. We should not only be hearers of God’s Word, but we must become doers.

    Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone Matthew 4:1-11 There is no way to overestimate the power of the Word of God. It is a blessing just to read it. In the book of Revelation we are promised a blessing just from reading the book. The most basic essential for any healthy church is a commitment to more

  • Obedience To God's Word

    Contributed by John Johnson on Sep 21, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    The Word of God is the source of strength and the source of spiritual maturity. If you don’t stay in the Word, the Word wont’ stay in you.

    Anything that is built high must have a firm foundation. No one can become a great believer, or a great missionary unless there is found in his or her life- a solid foundation. The strength of the foundation will determine the effectiveness of the believer. Our foundation must be the Word of more

  • What The Church Ought To Be Part 1

    Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    We should not interested in finding the approval of men, but our spiritual life is determined by the approval of God.

    From the time we are born until the time that we die, we want approval and attention. We often here little children say, “Watch me daddy,” “Look at me, mama.” Teenagers want more than anything else to be popular. They are careful to dress in an acceptable manner. They try to talk in an more

  • Don't Let The Lord Have To Cut You Down

    Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 39 ratings

    This is a parable of the unbarren fig tree

    Last Week we spoke about the parable of the weeds. This week we will be talking about the parable of fig tree. How many of you remember what we said a parable was last week? A parable is a earthly story with a heavenly meaning. The reason Jesus spoke in parables so that we might get a better more

  • United We Stand Divided We Fall

    Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 9, 2008
    based on 64 ratings

    Every family, every organization and every movement struggles with the problem of internal divisions. Not only is there division on the outside, but there is division on the inside of the Church. God does not want us to be divided. We must be united as

    Every family, every organization and every movement struggles with the problem of internal divisions. Not only is there division on the outside, but there is division on the inside. Many internal conflicts result from a struggle over control. I’m here to let you know this morning that if more

  • Unity In The Community

    Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 9, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The greatest danger facing the church today is an attack on the authority of the Word of God. When the church comes together in unity, the spirit of God is poured out in abundance.

    The greatest danger facing the church today is an attack on the authority of the Word of God. There has become a gentle coldness and indifference to biblical truth and God’s standards of righteousness. We want to live like we want to live, we want to act like we want to act, we want to do what more

  • Be Glad In The House Of The Lord

    Contributed by John Johnson on Sep 19, 2006
    based on 107 ratings

    We should be glad when we come to the house of the Lord

    The word “worship” comes from an old English word “worthship”, meaning that God is worthy; He deserves our praise. Worship is our response to all God is and says and does. When we really believe God deserves our worship, nothing will keep us away from church. Church worship is a matter of more

  • If

    Contributed by John Johnson on Jun 17, 2006
    based on 84 ratings

    There is a small word that some people say we shouldn’t use. It is the word if. The word if is a faithless word. It indicates a voice of uncertainty and it indicates a condition to be met.

    IF Matthew 14:28 There is a small word that some people say we shouldn’t use. It is the word if. The word if is a faithless word. It indicates a voice of uncertainty and it indicates a condition to be met. In the bible God used the word "if" numerous times. (Exodus 19:5) He said: If you more

  • You Are A Deliverer

    Contributed by John Johnson on Jun 17, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    It is said that millions of people in the United States are without health insurance and the government is going to step in and do something about it. There are also many people in the United States without soul insurance are we going to leave it to the

    Joshua 10:10-14 It is said that millions of people in the United States are without health insurance and the government is going to step in and do something about it. There are also many people in the United States without soul insurance are we going to leave it to the government to do something more

  • God Of A Second Chance

    Contributed by John Johnson on Mar 8, 2005
    based on 284 ratings

    Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final, you may think it’s all over for you. The game of life isn’t like a game in which you only have 1 chance to win before it’s over. God will give you a second chance.

    The God of a 2nd Chance. John 8:1-10 I wonder, is there any person here who has been in a situation in which you really wanted something to work out but it didn’t? You felt like if I just had a second chance, I know I could make this thing work. (I Wonder am I talking to anybody in here). more

  • Delayed Deliverence

    Contributed by John Johnson on Jun 12, 2004
    based on 130 ratings

    Each and every one of us needs to understand that God has a purpose behind every problem, every situation and every circumstance

    Each and every one of us needs to understand that God has a purpose behind every problem, every situation and every circumstance. God uses circumstances to develop our character. In fact, he depends more on circumstances to make us like Jesus than he depends on our reading the Bible. We more

  • The Failure Is Not In God, It's In Me

    Contributed by John Johnson on Feb 17, 2004
    based on 87 ratings

    Have you ever failed at something? Have you ever felt like a failure? Somebody today is having a failed marriage, a failed relationship, a failed job, but we must remember that the problem lies within us and not with God.

    THE FAILURE’S NOT IN GOD IT’S IN ME 1 Samuel 15:3 Have you ever failed at something? Have you ever felt like a failure? Somebody in here today is having a failed marriage, a failed relationship, a failed job. Somebody’s children are failing them, and some children are failing in school. I want more

  • A Recipe For A Blessing

    Contributed by John Johnson on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    One of the greatest secrets we can learn in life is the secret of making a total commitment to God’s Word and learning to completely commit each problem in life to the Lord in faith.

    Recipe for Blessings PSALMS 37:5 The great value of the Book of Psalms is that in it we have godly men stating their experience, and giving us an account of things that have happened to them in their spiritual life and warfare. Throughout history, the Book of Psalms has, therefore, been a more