Obedience To God's Word
Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Word of God is the source of strength and the source of spiritual maturity. If you don’t stay in the Word, the Word wont’ stay in you.
Anything that is built high must have a firm foundation. No one can become a great believer, or a great missionary unless there is found in his or her life- a solid foundation. The strength of the foundation will determine the effectiveness of the believer.
Our foundation must be the Word of God. I know some of us in here this evening believe that being in the choir is the essential element. Some of us believe that church titles are the foundation. Some of us may think that being on the deacon board is the foundation. But I’ve come to tell us that the Word must be our foundation. But, James says that we must not only be hearers of the Word, but we must become doers also.
I’ve read great books, there’s nothing like the word,
I’ve read great poetry, there’s nothing like the word.
I’ve read great history, there’s nothing like the word.
Our main objective as missionaries and for the entire body of Christ ought to be to reach and lay hold upon spiritual maturity. We must also realize that the source and direction for spiritual maturity comes from the Word of God. It is time for us to grow up now. It is time for us to get off the milk and get on the meat of the Word of God.
We cannot grow spiritually from reading Ebony, Newsweek, or Time magazines. We should not be soliciting wisdom from ABC, NBC, CBS, FoX or CNN. Oprah nor Dr. Phil is not going to give you food for your dying soul.
I found out a long time ago that the Word of God is the source of my strength and the source of my spiritual maturity. If you don’t stay in the Word, the Word wont’ stay in you.
If you want to wake up in the morning with your mind on Jesus, In order to walk and talk with your mind on Jesus, in order to be singing and praising with your mind on Jesus, you got to stay in the Word. I found out that if you don’t know, you show can’t grow.
The Word of God is not a decorative appliance. We shouldn’t take it home and sit it on the shelf from Sunday to Sunday. The Word of God is the vehicle by which you and I get to know and become intimate with our Father Who Art in Heaven.
If you want to know who God is, it’s revealed in his Word. If you want to know about God’s past relationship with man-it’s revealed in his Word. If you want to know about the future- you will find it in the Word of God. Anything you want to know about your journey here on earth is revealed in the Word of God.
The Word of God tells you how to get along with your husband or wife. The word of God tells you how to raise your children. The word of God even tells us how we should love one another.
In the word of God, you will find words that will help define us as believers. Too many believers are unsure of what makes us believers. What makes you and I believers is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our own personal savior. What gives us spiritual power is the hearing and obedience of the Word of God. James says don’t just be hearers of the word, but we ought to be doers of the word.
Too many of us got this things backwards. We want God to come into our lives and do what we want him to do.
We want God to be our child, to be our servant, we want God to worship and praise us.
BIJSB if God is going to be in your life he must be both Lord and Master. He’s not going to come into your life and not be on the throne. He’s not going to take a back seat to your flesh. He’s not going to ride if he can’t drive.
And, as I looked in this text, I found out that the Word is not the problem. The problem is this, “Are we in the Word or not.?. I’m not asking about whether you can find your name in the bible or whether you know where Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is, but are you in the Word? I’m not asking about whether you know the story about David and Goliath, Paul and Silas, 3 Hebrew Boys. But, what we need to know is that if you are bound in the prison of the circumstances of your life that God can send an earthquake and shake open the jail house door. You need to know that if you are cast into the fiery furnace of sickness that if God does not deliver you that he is God and is still able to deliver you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. So the question to you this evening is, are you in the Word?