  • John Bamman

    Contributing sermons since Nov 27, 2005
John's church

St. Bonaventure Friary
Washington, District of Columbia 20017

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  • Narnia: The Sacrifice Of Friendship

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The thread of sacrifice draws together the movie "Narnia" to the Solemnity of Christ the King, a children’s liturgy.

    Children’s Mass for the Solemnity of Christ the King November 26th 2006 Setting: Christ the King Catholic grade school, grades 1st - 8th Readings: Daniel 7:13-14, Rev. 1:5-8, and John 18:33-37 “How much would you sacrifice for your friends?” What comes to mind when you think of a king? more