  • Joe Farnella

    Contributing sermons since Aug 24, 2012
Joe's church

Leon Springs Baptist Church
San Antonio, Texas 78255
Seniror Adult Pastor

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  • Stop Doubting And Believe

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016

    This is a sermon on Thomas. A play on the word Didymus Means twin. And using the Illustration from Austin Powers Mini me (The unbelieving side of us) I am sure this is not original as many have preach on this message at some time or the other.

    Stop Doubting and Believe John 20:24-29 - Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned acts of God? - Of all Gods Miracles this is the BEST. - People have asked me have I seen Miracles before. My answer is YES! -Besides seeing His physical power I see Life more

  • Essentials For Men: God's W-O-R-K

    Contributed on May 3, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    This was written for Men however it can be adapted to use for all groups. This Sermon is to inspire others to do their best work for Christ.

    Essentials for Men: God’s W-O-R-K Introduction: We as men are wired to work. It is how we get our satisfaction. I read a study that men suffer from anxiety and depression when they lose a job because it is a blow to their self worth. -For me I get my anxiety FROM work. I remember more

  • Overcoming Bitterness

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a case study of Joseph and how he could have become bitter but trusted God and save a people and a nation.

    Overcoming Bitterness Gen 37:18- 27 I. The effects of Bitterness and envy A. It will hinder your relationship with the Jesus. Heb 12:12-15 -Satan’s biggest tool to try to destroy us is bitterness. He knows he can’t defeat us so he tries to use his tools to make us in more

  • Moses Inferiority Complex

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    This Sermon has it contributor from the book called "Feet Of Clay" By Paul W. Powel

    Moses thought he was Inferior Acts 7 20- 29 I: Good beginnings -Exodus 2: 10 – 15 First 40 years he was over confident and did not depend on God. - I want to highlight VS 10. Not much is said here but I have looked at historical accounts (Not the movie 10 commandments) he was in line more