
Summary: This Sermon has it contributor from the book called "Feet Of Clay" By Paul W. Powel

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Moses thought he was Inferior

Acts 7 20- 29

I: Good beginnings

-Exodus 2: 10 – 15 First 40 years he was over confident and did not depend on God.

- I want to highlight VS 10. Not much is said here but I have looked at historical accounts (Not the movie 10 commandments) he was in line if something would have happened to his brother to become Pharaoh so he was a crown prince. Thutmose II was the Pharaoh at the time queen Mother was Hatshepsut.

-Hebrews 11:24-26:

II. Now we find Moses in Median of all things tending sheep. From the superpower of the world to the back desert and his subject was Sheep.

-Ex 3:1 – 5

There is a lot here we could discuss but this is where God had Moses to train him. At this time he is very humble and all his trappings and education seems to be of little value to him. I believe you will see he thought very little of himself us to when failures happen over compensate.

-Gal 6:9, John 18:17

Five excuses of Moses

-Exodus 3:10 – 12

1. I’m a Nobody - God who am I to do such a thing?

I have always found this funny. God knew who he was just as he does us. Jer 1:5

-He settled for second best. It was not a bad life he had a good wife Children. His father in law was the Pastor (So to speak)

-God knew who Moses was it was his plan all the long to use him to deliver his children. But Moses at this point in his life did not see anything in his life that could do a great work in his life.

Rom 8:31 If God be for us

2. I am ignorant. Ex 3: 13 - 14

- For a long time I was thinking he was telling a lie to God. The more I read this the more I find he was being honest with God. It was not about Education background but about the knowledge of God.

-Will Rodgers “Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects.

-We say Columbus discovered America but any school kid knows that is not true. In reality he just exposed Europe to their ignorance on the subject.

- who will I say sent me ? I AM seems like a strange name for God. What he was saying is I am the one who is.

He is saying tell them the eternal God, The God who was. The God who is and the God who evermore shall be!! John 8:58, Hebrew 13:8

3. I might fail: Ex 4:1-5

- It is said that some of the most insecure people are those that are forever playing it safe.

-In all fairness Mosses had a reason to be reluctant. Remember in our text he tried one time before and they did not believe.

- He then became negative. Failure will cause this if not handled correctly. Ps 37:23-24 Josh 1:9

The story of AI

Difference between Negative and optimism. Can you speak German-- I don’t know I never tried!!

But God is gracious and says Moses what do you have in your hand. (God knew what it was.0 Lots of types and depth here but I want to point out that God wanted Moses to see that if he can change the staff and a leprous hand he can change the minds of his people.

Moses vs Pharaoh were not good odds but Mosses with God vs Pharaoh was altogether different.

- When we answer the call of God it is never you against the world it is like Moses God in you against the world and you do mighty works.

Phil 4:13

4. I don’t have any Talents Ex 4: 10

- Notice what Moses thought of himself here. He thought he had no talent that God could use.

- God is not looking for talent but availability. Moses was looking at his weaknesses instead of what God could use.

-If Beethoven the world would be different. He was losing his hearing at 20 and was totally deaf by 50.

- What of Melton we was completely blind when he wrote paradise lost.

Mat 10:20

God lets Moses know that he made the mouth and He is able to fix any area. Ex 4: 11-12

5. Send someone else they could do it better. Ex 4:13

Funny I think her God said enough. I have met all your reasons. I will send your brother to speak for you. Aaron later became an issue by the way (Golden Calf) Also if you read the rest of the story you will find that Aaron said little Moses did all the talking. He finally started to see past his feelings of inferiority

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