
Summary: How many of you know that our words have consequences? That what comes out of our mouth has eternal significance? Learn today that our spoken WORDS can have eternal significance and consequence. Which will you be allowing to proceed out of your mouth??

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Words and their consequences.

I may be on track to get cancelled today. We need to talk about something that is probably going to rub someone the wrong way. And to that I will say………..Deal with it! Because I dealt with it first and it came down on me first and it was not pretty!!

Did I just offend anyone? Has anyone else “offended” you lately? Are you offended and upset from someone else right now? What offended you? What was said?

How many of you know that our words have consequences?

That what comes out of our mouth has eternal significance?

Boy its awful quiet in here right now! Bet you didn’t expect to get hit with that one right off the bat here today did you?

Want to get some bible into our conversation here today? Lets start at the very beginning.

Not the Genesis 1:1 beginning. Anyone know where the real beginning is in our bible? ………

John 1:1 - 1 In the beginning the Word already existed.

The Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

2 He existed in the beginning with God.

3 God created everything through him,

and nothing was created except through him.

4 The Word gave life to everything that was created,[a]

and his life brought light to everyone.

5 The light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness can never extinguish it.

So, what was the REAL beginning? The WORD! Guess what ….. that is the same word that is breathed into us the very moment that life enters our body. God breathed into Adam the breath of life. The breath of God is eternal. So, if that is true, and it is……then every word that comes out of my mouth, your mouth, our mouths, in our breath……. is eternal. That’s how we can still be angry, hurt, upset, and “offended” months, years, decades after an incident.

And that is also why the bible tells us that …. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. (proverbs 18:21)”

Sit there and let that one sink in for a minute.

So, lets ask another question. Not that it’s a game or a keeping of score, but real quick, how many of us have a net positive for what we speak. Even just this week! Think about it. What actually comes out of our mouth being more positive than negative?

How many of you have spoken negative things lately about someone? I sure have. I’ll admit that at any given moment….. I’m the worlds worst at speaking negative of other drivers on the road with me!

Claire would have even shouted a big amen on that one! I really am trying hard to work on that one though. 😊

How many of you have someone at work that just absolutely drives you nuts and you can’t stand to hardly even be in the same room with them? How do you speak about them when you get the chance to voice your opinion? How do you speak about that boss that just won’t give you a break no matter how hard you try and how far above and beyond you go? Heck, how many of you have said something negative about someone here today in church? PLEASE DON’T RAISE HANDS OR ANSWER THAT!!!!

Well, now those of you who answered yes to any of that, what was the first thing that popped into your head when you realized what was being asked………

That little voice, that whisper, ……… justifying why you did it right??

“Well, they deserved it.”, “Well, its just the truth.”, “Well, I don’t think its wrong to just tell it like it is.”

Just a little hint, ……. that ain’t the Holy Spirit.

The devil has been hard at work developing everyone with the little lie that its “just words”. It cant really hurt anyone.


You know the old saying…. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me!”

WRONG! Words will cut you to the CORE!

I’ll read it again…. Proverbs 18:21 – The power of LIFE and DEATH is in the….what? TONGUE!

Our WORDS have power and they carry with them blessings and consequences for eternity!

Now I know someone here is already offended that I called you out this morning. I remind you that I was the first one called out by this message.

And really only every word from God is truly eternal because all of our evil words, idle words, junk words, those will all be burned up in the end. But they are out there until God finally seals evil away forever.

Matthew 12:36 - And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.

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