  • James Hardy

    Contributing sermons since Apr 26, 2003
James's church

Romans Road Baptist Church
Jefferson, Georgia 30549
706 367 2289

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  • The Battle Belongs To The Lord

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 37 ratings

    Have you ever found yourself on the threshold of surrender? Have you ever been at the point of discarding you faith by the side of the road or requesting an extended leave of absence from God’s army?

    "Jolted, jilted, hammered in a car crash and robbed, Lawrence Hanratty was named Friday as the unluckiest man in New York. "Nearly electrocuted in a construction site accident in 1984 that put him in a coma for weeks, Hanratty lost the lawyers fighting for his liability claim --one was more

  • Why Christians Don't Pray

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Our greatest and our only hope to make a long-lasting difference for God is to learn how to pray. Prayer is not optional; it is essential.

    How many times have you said that you were going to become a better prayer warrior? Have you ever heard someone else say it? Even though many Christians have good intentions we often fail. It seems that one of the most apparent areas of poor performance in the Christian life is the area of more

  • Life's Detours And Disruptions

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    So often in our lives we hit a bump in the road. We answer the phone and on the other end there’s bad news. Ever happen to you?

    Has it ever happed to you? The phone rings and on the other end there’s bad news. You go to the mailbox and there’s a letter from the IRS or a past due notice, more bad news. You go to the doctor and he gives it to you, bad news. There’s a knock on your door, bad news. Sure, we have all had more

  • Recipe For Revival

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    America needs revival. Many churches need revival. Some need resurrection.

    I used to watch both my grandmothers and my mom cook. It amazed me how my grandmothers could cook and never look at a recipe. My mom on the other hand, could hardly boil water without her recipe book. But after a long time she too had disposed of her cook book. But then my wife picked up the more

  • Some Things Will Never Change

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2004
    based on 56 ratings

    In a world that is changing so rapidly, there are some things that will never change.

    Some things Will Never Change. I. The Word of God will never change: HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY BUT MY WORD WILL NOT PASS AWAY. A. No matter how many translations. B. No matter how many interpretations. c. No matter what new revelations. d. No more

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