Greg Wiens
Contributing sermons since Jul 14, 2007
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Ecclesiastes Sermon 2
Contributed on Apr 14, 2010
This is sermon 2 in my Ecclesiastes sermon series.
Show Video of That’s Life http://www.worshiphousemedia.com/mini-movies/8915/Thats-Life This week we will learn about the areas that Solomon put most of energy into in his life. Read with me Ecclesiastes on the overhead to see what they were. SLIDES 2-9 12 I, the ...read more
Into To Ecclesiastes
Contributed on Mar 30, 2010
This is my introduction to my sermon series on Ecclesiastes. It has a lot of history and background.
Show Video from ALPHA Course # 2Alpha Course More to life than this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGI3z9YXW9A Read Scripture Passage SLIDE 2+3 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 1 These are the words of the Teacher, King David’s son, who ruled in Jerusalem. Everything Is Meaningless ...read more
How Much Does Your Talent Weight?
Contributed on Jul 14, 2007
This is a sermon on the parable of the three stewards. I really love this story and I was my sermon choice when we chose to preach for a summer on parables of Jesus.
How Much Does Your Talent Weigh? Show Clip of Paul Potts’ Audition from Britian’s Got Talent from U-Tube We all love it when somebody finds out about a hidden talent that they have and then use it. The clip that you just saw is from a show called Britain’s Got Talent. The idea of the show ...read more
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On A Lighter Side Here Are Some Things That Wise ...
Contributed on Mar 30, 2010
On a lighter side here are some things that wise people like me like to ponder: 1. Why is there a best before date on Sour Cream? 2. Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all"? 3. Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there? 4. If a cow laughed, would ...read more
In Other Translations The Word Bag Of Gold Is ...
Contributed on Jul 14, 2007
In other translations the word bag of gold is replaced with the word talent of gold. A talent is the largest measure of weight in the Jewish scale system. It was the amount that a strong male servant or worker should be able to carry comfortably. To illustrate, it would be the amount that Randy ...read more