Contributed by George Bannister on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon deals with common excuses people offer for disobeying God.
TEXT: Exodus 3-4
ETS: Moses tries to make excuses in order to avoid obeying God.
ESS: There is no acceptable excuse for failing to obeying God.
OSS: Believers will surrender to God’s will for their lives.
PQ: What is the proper response to God’s will for my life?
UW: Excuses
TOPIC: “Excuses”
When you sense the Lord leading you to take on a particular job, or to do some specific task, what is your immediate reaction? Do you automatically say. “OK, Lord. I am ready to do whatever you say.” Or is the immediate response one of withdrawal? I am afraid that with many of us, the first response is to tell Him why He has the wrong person for the Job. We begin to make excuses as to why we are unable to comply with what He wants of us. The Word of God is clear. There is no acceptable excuse for failure to obey God. If we do not move out in obedience to His command, we are in rebellion against the Lord! In our text, we find the reaction of one man who had a definite word from God on just what He wanted him to do. Moses immediately began to shrink back from the task. He began to offer God some excuses … some that are still favorites today.
I. “l AM.NOT WORTHY” (3:10-12) .
A. The Call (vs. 1-10)
1. The call was Personal.
a. God called Moses by name.
b. God calls each of us by name.
2. The call was pointed and specific.
a. Moses knew exactly what it was that God wanted of him.
b. When God wants you to o something , you know what it is.
B. The Excuse (vs. 11)
1. The “Who am I” syndrome.
a. Moses’ problem was one of being over-whelmed by the awesomeness of the task. He felt unworthy of the task.
b. Sometimes as God calls we are overwhelmed by a tremendous sense of unworthiness. Truth is we are inherently unworthy. We find our worthiness only in the grace of God.
C. The Answer (vs. 12)
1. Assurance of divine presence.
a. Moses was assured that God would always be with him. Throughout the exodus experience Moses never had a time when the awesome presence of the all-powerful Lord wasn’t with him. When God leads us to do a certain task, He assures that He will always be with us (Heb. 13:5).
II. “I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY.” (3:13-22).
A. The Excuse (vs.13).
1. Moses wanted to let God know that he wanted a pre-prepared answer. How am I going to answer all of those questions they will ask me?
2. We might word it something like this, “Assuming I do this, What on earth am I going to say to them?” This is one of our favorite excuses for failing to witness to people we know. He is not looking for a canned witness, but one who is yielded to His Spirit. .
B. The Answer (vv.14-22).
1. He put the words in Moses’ mouth. Jesus promises that the words will be in our mouth when we need them (Matthew 10:19).
2. The Apostles found Jesus true to His word!
A. The excuse (v .1) .
1. Moses’ excuse went contrary to what God had already promised him (3: 18).
2. Definition of excuse: “The skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.”
B. The Answer (vs. 2-9)
1. God gave proof to Moses.
a. The rod turned into a serpent.
b. The sign of his hand (leprosy)
c. The water changed into blood.
2. God gives us proof, not any less miraculous.
a. Our salvation
b. Spiritual gifts
c. The Word of God
d. Spiritual power
IV. “I CAN’T DO IT!” (4:1O-12).
A. The excuse (vs. 10) . .
1. Moses pointed to his natural handicap: he stuttered. could not speak clearly
a. Overlooked the fact that God could either correct the problem, or use him despite of it.
2. We are quick’ to point out our own inability to do what He desires for us to do.
a. God can use us even though we are naturally unabIe to perform His will. He imparts Spiritual gifts to make us able.
(1) Like did the Apostles.
(2) All He needs is our availability! The Answer (vs. 11-12)
b. God reminded Moses who was the creator and Lord.
(1) God reassured him of His presence and power.
c. We need to be reminded that It is His ability that enables us.
(1) His presence and power will overshadow us.
V. LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT! “ (4:13-17).
A. The excuse (vs. 13).
1. Moses’ last excuse was an attempt to pass the buck .