Gary's church

The Well, Covenant
Corvallis, Oregon 97330

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Newest Sermons

  • Two Dogs Inside Of Us

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2016

    What's wrong with me? I want to serve God, but, instead, I sin! I want to Live in the Spirit, but, instead, I'm still living in The Power of my Flesh! Maybe it's because i have Two Dogs living inside of me! The story of the two dogs. (Our Two Natures)

    Shortly after I first became a Christian, I was told of this story of The Two Dogs, and it made a lot of sense. It helped me to understand why I was, the way that I was, and it helped me to understand what I needed to do, to be better than I had been. Every believer has a Dual Nature. more

  • Our Heavenly Harbor Master

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2016

    Jesus wants to be The Harbor Master in our lives. He knows how to safely guide us into port. He knows the low spots, and only he knows how to get us there, safely. To do so, we must "give up our seat" as captain of our vessel. He must sit in the chair.

    Jesus desires to rule in our lives, not to just sit and watch us live our lives, but to be actively involved in our moment- by-moment decision making. To be our Leader and Guide,.. to empower us, to guide us through troubled waters. On TV recently, I saw a documentary about a "Harbor more

  • Death Comes First

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2016

    We think that Life comes first, and death follows. But, think of death happening first, then Life follows. It happens when we first believe. We were DEAD in sin, until God brings us the word of LIFE. The butterfly seems to DIE, then comes back to LIFE!

    Death comes first. "Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. But, if it dies, it brings forth much fruit." (John 12:24) Let's begin with a very basic Universal Principle: “First comes Death,.. then comes Life!” I know, it sounds backwards. more

  • Total Forgiveness

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2016

    Another interpretation of Peter's Vision, about clean and unclean. What if this means that you and I are now considered clean and washed and totally forgiven? I believe it does! God says it. I believe it! Now there is nothing between us and God!

    Total Forgiveness While reading about Peter's vision, in Acts 10 recently, I received a new insight into how God looks at our Total Forgiveness. Peter is praying, up on a housetop, when he falls into a trance. He sees a “sheet” filled with “all kinds of wild beasts, more

  • Total Forgiveness

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2016

    God says we have been cleansed, washed in the Blood of Jesus, made to be "as white as snow." Yet, people doubt. They say, "But, we still sin." Yes, we do, But "The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin!" We need to Believe that we have been cleansed.

    Total Forgiveness While reading about Peter's vision, in Acts 10 recently, I received a new insight into how God looks at our Total Forgiveness. Peter is praying, up on a housetop, when he falls into a trance. He sees a “sheet” filled with “all kinds of wild beasts, more

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