
Summary: We think that Life comes first, and death follows. But, think of death happening first, then Life follows. It happens when we first believe. We were DEAD in sin, until God brings us the word of LIFE. The butterfly seems to DIE, then comes back to LIFE!

Death comes first.

"Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone.

But, if it dies, it brings forth much fruit." (John 12:24)

Let's begin with a very basic Universal Principle: “First comes Death,.. then comes Life!” I know, it sounds backwards. We think of Life happening first, then Death occuring sometime ater that.

So, let me try to PROVE that what I'm saying is really true. Are there any examples or illustrations that I can point to? Actually, there are several:

With Plant Life: There's a scientific word for it: Germination. You plant a seed in the ground. Cover it with dirt and give it lots of water. First: The seed dies, It Germinates, and then life sprouts from that seed. (John 12:24)

This is also true with Animal Life: Out of the Death of Animal 1, Life is given to Animal 2! If Animal one had NOT died, Animal 2 would have no food to eat, and Animal 2 could have died! One Died, giving Life to the other!

Example: The Bear, Hibernation. He hibernates (Death-like state) and rises again in the spring! Example: Butterfly, Metamorphesis. Caterpiller spins himself into a cacoon. (Death-like state.) And becomes a Butterfly!

God says this about our own Physical Lives: We are birthed into a state of separation from God. We are born into Spiritual Death. After a person believes, New Life begins! (Death first, then life.)

As we continue to eat and live, we grow older, and eventually we come to the end of our physical lives. This is also known as Death. What happens then? God tells us after Physical Death, we enter into a New Life! (Death first, then Life.) (Hebrews 9:27)

Are there other examples of this Principle of “Death first, then Life?” Yes,.. look at the Life of Jesus: He is born into this world, did a lot of wonderful things and then died a horrible death on the cross. But, He rose from death to New Life! (First death, then Life.)

The Death of Jesus brings to us the Hope, the Possibility of New Life in Heaven with Him, after we have believed! His Death,.. results in Life for me! (Romans 6:8)

From Exodus (Chap. 1 & 2) we read what happened in Egypt, just before the birth of Moses. The Egyptians feared their Israelite slaves would one day turn on them, so, to limit the number of male slaves being born, all male (slave) children were put to death. The mother of Moses was afraid her son would be killed, so she put him in a basket, and set him adrift, to save his life. The Daughter of Pharoah found him and raised him as her own. The Death of other Israelite children, brought Life to Moses! (One man saved.)

Later on in Exodus, the 10th plague comes, and the first-born of every house dies. The Israelites escaped this death sentence, by putting blood of a lamb on their door posts. The Egyptian families each lost their first born that night,.. and their deaths brought freedom and life to the nation of Isreal! (The Nation of Israel is saved.)

One more story, of how Death brings Life: Herod sets out to try to eliminate any New King who would take over his Kingdom. He gives orders to have all new babies killed, and God warns Mary and Joseph to escape to Egypt. The Death of the Innocents results in the Life of Jesus! (Jesus comes to save the World.)

The Bible tells us that we need to Die to Sin ( .. Die to Self,.. or Die to the Flesh.) And if we Believe that we have Died with Christ (by faith) we begin a Whole New Life!

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