Eugene's church

Christian Worship Center
Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
(304) 465-4882

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Newest Sermons

  • The Hard Life

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    God wants you to stop limiting the awesome you.

    "THE HARD LIFE" ILLUSTRATION: Show overheads or on powerpoint projector, one of a birthday party, the other of a devil w/ a pitch fork, why do other people’s lives always look like a party compared to outs? Talk about how people portray their own lives and how others (we) portray people’s more

  • Freedom Anyone?

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    The freedom allowed for by our saviour’s sacrifice and resurrection.

    ILLUST: BRAVEHEART DVD CLIP (Freedom speech at end) Ask, “How many want freedom bad enough to fight for it against all odds? Well, without a resurrected Christ fighting for you, all odds are against you” NOTE: The dictionary definition of liberty is "The state of being exempt from the domination more

  • Service = Reward!

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2004
    based on 26 ratings


    YOUR SERVICE WILL DETERMINE YOU BLESSING GENESIS 24: 39-52 (NLT) 39" `But suppose I can’t find a young woman willing to come back with me?’ I asked him. 40`You will,’ he told me, `for the LORD, in whose presence I have walked, will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful. more