  • Dr. Ade Oyeyemi

    Contributing sermons since May 20, 2009
DR. ADE's church

INGLEWOOD, California 90301
(323) 595-7401, (323) 752 3048

About DR. ADE
  • Education: Dr. Ade Oyeyemi is a doctoral graduate of Shiloh University and M Div. of King's University. Also an alumnus of Jack Hayford's School of Pastor Nurturing.
  • Experience: Dr. Ade Oyeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Blood of Jesus Prayer and Deliverance Ministries (BOJ Church), with many branches around the World. He has pastored the church for the last twenty-one years. He has authored many books, including Something Happens After Prayer
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: God is the first Deliverance Minister; He's still doing deliverance in the lives of people who seek Him. "But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions."
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Dr. John McAuthur Grace Community Church Sojourner group. Pastor Ezekiel Oyekale of Christ Champion Church.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A woman who migrated and lived in the USA for 29 years but could not lay claim to any tangible achievement. She went to a function at Beverly Hills, california and as she entered everyone stood up to welcome her, the important people of all shades and color, thinking she was the important guest speaker they were expecting, she in turn greeted them very well only to ask one of them for a room where she could change her dress because she was there to clean their mess. Her destiny required a secon
  • Family: Dr. Ade Oyeyemi is the founder and Senior Pastor of Blood of Jesus Prayer and Deliverance Ministries. The Owner of Long Beach Spherion Staffing & Recruiting. Married with Children. Member, Barnabas Group of Orange County, CA
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents did not see me become a Pastor though my mother used to tell me and my siblings that I was born to be a Pastor.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She thinks I'm a fantastic prayer point machine. Selfless after the order of Abraham.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Keep the ministry God has entrusted to you simple
  • Books that have had an impact: Richard Foster, "Celebration of Discipline" Erwin W. Lutzer, "One minute after you die" Dallas Willard & Don Simpson "Revolution of Character" Stanley Grentz "The Moral Quest" James Davidson Hunter "To Change The World" Karl Barth " The Humanity Of God" Kerry Wood "The Abba Factor"
  • Hobbies: Dr. Ade Oyeyemi enjoys Evangelism, Reading, Soccer, and Meeting People.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Heaven is real and beautiful
  • What I want on my tombstone: Thank Heaven for the Blood of Jesus
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  • The Gift Of Holy Stubborness

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2013

    Prayer is an arduous task, persistent prayer brings result. The fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. Engaging in prayer means standing in the face of defeat while others are falling, prayer requires a determination to continue waiting on the Lor

    Among the vices mentioned in Galatians 5:19 are anger and stubbornness but these can be used in a holy way. Hatred of evil is considered a holy hatred, so is holy stubbornness that serves the purpose of carrying out an effort in a determined, persistent way until one prevails. Holy stubbornness is more

  • Do It On God's Appointed Time

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Often we run our program and expect God to comply with what we are doing, but the easiest way to get things done and right is to work with God's timetable. Christians are to learn patience and reliance on God, anytime we operate on the permissive will of

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