Doris Sparks
Contributing sermons since Apr 5, 2007
Newest Sermons
Miraculous Stories
Contributed on Apr 5, 2007
Celebrates the feast of St Michael and the angels on September 29th.
Miraculous Stories Today, September 29th is the day on the church calendar set aside to celebrate St. Michael and the angels. In a world where science and facts are the mainstays of reality, people hunger still for the miraculous. The popularity of shows like “Touched by an Angel,” “It’s a ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
If You Ask Anyone In My Family If They Have Ever ...
Contributed on Apr 5, 2007
If you ask anyone in my family if they have ever seen an angel; they would tell you the story that occurred on winter Sunday. We were driving up a very steep hill in town in a van. This was before mini-vans and this big 9-passenger van was not good on slippery roads. The road was snow packed and ...read more