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  • D-I-V-O-R-C-E And How To Stop It

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Dec 12, 2024

    Divorce has plagued the church from the beginning. We cannot stop it, but perhaps we can slow it.

    D-I-V-O-R-C-E AND HOW TO STOP IT INTRODUCTION A. My assigned topic is “Divorce and How to Stop It in Christian Homes. B. I wish I could stop every divorce, but I know I can’t. However, if tonight, I can stop just one, I will have meat to eat you know not of. C. This sermon will touch some more more

  • Pursuing A Meaningful Life

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Nov 22, 2024

    Millions are searching for a meaningful life, but they are searching for it in all the wrong places.

    PURSUING A MEANINGFUL LIFE Eccl 12:13-14 INTRODUCTION A. Harold Kushner observed over 30 years of ministry as a congregational rabbi that “Most people are not afraid of dying; they are afraid of not having lived.” B. In searching for a life of significance, Solomon had the means to explore all more

  • The Relationship Between Grace, Faith, Works, And Baptism

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Nov 3, 2024

    Only two Christian groups do not practice some form of water baptism: Quakers and the Salvation Army. All others practice water baptism but disagree on the mode (immersion/sprinkling) and the purpose (to be saved/because one has been saved).

    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GRACE, FAITH, WORKS, AND BAPTISM INTRODUCTION A. Only two Christian groups do not practice some form of water baptism: Quakers and the Salvation Army. B. All others practice water baptism but disagree on the mode (immersion/sprinkling) and the purpose (to be saved/because more

  • How To Keep God On Our Side 2 Kings 18:1-7

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 29, 2024

    Many people claim God is on their side in politics, religion, and even sports. God is on the side of humanity, for God so loved the world he gave his Son.

    HOW TO KEEP GOD ON OUR SIDE 2 Kings 18:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. Many professing Christians believe God is on their side in religion, politics, and even in sports. B. God is on the side of his creation (John 3:16), but it is up to his creation as to whether we keep him on our side (Isa more

  • Take A Stand

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 28, 2024

    Satan has many schemes for capturing the souls of the unsuspecting, but clothed in the armor of God, we can stand against him.

    TAKING A STAND Ephesians 6:10-13 INTRODUCTION A. Satan has many schemes for capturing the souls of the unsuspecting, but clothed in the armor of God, we can stand against him. B. There can be no neutrality (Matt 12:30). B. In taking our stand, there are things we must stand against, but more

  • The Mathematics Of Sin

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 7, 2024

    Understanding the mathematics of sin is as simple as adding 2 +2.

    THE MATHEMATICS OF SIN James 1:13-15 INTRODUCTION A. Understanding the mathematics of sin is as simple as adding 2 + 2. B. Charles Stanley reminds us: “If we make rash or sinful choices, we can anticipate negative consequences (Gal. 6:7-8). In other words, you reap what you sow, more than you more

  • Overcoming Battle Fatigue

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 3, 2024

    Ministry can often be discouraging. The battle may be against opposition or indifference. We can learn from Elijah about battle fatigue.

    OVERCOMING BATTLE FATIGUE The first line of the hymn Peace in the Valley reflects the discouragement that often fills the hearts of weary travelers: “Well, I’m so tired and so weary, but I must go along; till the Lord comes and calls me away.” Most of us want that call to be like Abraham’s, to more

  • True Confession

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 2, 2024

    True confession occurs only when the heart is broken and contrite.

    TRUE CONFESSION INTRODUCTION A. The Scriptures exhort us to confess Christ as the Son of God and confess our sins. B. The word “confess” comes from the Greek word “homologeo.” (homo—same; logeo—speak: literally “say the same thing”). To confess is to acknowledge someone or something as true. C. more

  • Sell It Not (Proverbs 23:23)

    Contributed by Don Campbell on May 30, 2024

    This is the second sermon on the subject, "Buy the truth and sell it not."

    SELL IT NOT Proverbs 23:23 INTRODUCTION A. In lesson one, we established three things: One, there is absolute truth. Two, we can know the truth. Three, grasping truth requires diligent effort. B. In this lesson, we will explore six ways we can sell the truth: 1. Indifference to known truth (Heb more

  • Buy The Truth (Proverbs 23:23)

    Contributed by Don Campbell on May 30, 2024

    The text will be explored in two sermons: One, Buying Truth; Two, Not Selling Truth

    BUY THE TRUTH AND SELL IT NOT Proverbs 23:23 INTRODUCTION A. All truth is God’s truth, whether scientific, philosophical, historical, political, or theological. 1. Some truths are self-evident. 2. Some truths are elusive. 2. Some “truths” are falsified—alternate facts. 3. Some “truths” more

  • Josiah The Boy King

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jul 2, 2023

    Paul commended the genuine faith of Timothy, saying that it had first dwelt his mother and grandmother. Josiah's father and grandfather were the worst of the worst, causing Israel to become more idolatrous than the surrounding nations. Josiah broke the pattern.

    JOSIAH, THE BOY KING 2 Kings 22:1-23:30; 2 Chronicles 34:1-35:27 INTRODUCTION A. The prophecy (1 Kgs 13:1-3). B. Fast forward 300 years to its fulfillment (2 Kgs 23:15-16). I. GOD’S TESTIMONY TO JOSIAH (2 KGS 22:1-2) A. Josiah’s life epitomizes the truth spoken by his contemporary, Ezekiel more

  • The Marriage Dilemma

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jul 1, 2023

    We often talk about the divorce dilemma, but we don't have divorces until we have marriage dilemma.

    THE MARRIAGE DILEMMA Introduction A. It is reported that the divorce rate has hit a 50-year low. However, the marriage rate fell by 60% over the same period, so statistics are not helpful. B. The church has not escaped the divorce dilemma, but we don’t have divorce dilemmas until we more

  • Keeping God On Our Side

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 16, 2023

    Many people believe God is on their side because (whatever). God is on the side of creation (John 3:16), but the question how to keep him on our side.

    HOW TO KEEP GOD ON OUR SIDE 2 Kings 18:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. The rich and the powerful point to their power and riches as proof that God is on their side. B. The poor and downtrodden often believe that God is on their side in their rebellion against the rich and more

  • Don't Hunt With Your Head Down

    Contributed by Don Campbell on May 22, 2023

    My dad always killed more squirrels than I did because he was looking up in the trees. I was looking a bugs and other earth-bound creatures.

    DON’T HUNT WITH YOUR HEAD DOWN John 4:1-42 INTRODUCTION A. Jesus told the disciples to lift up their eyes to the fields that were white unto harvest (John 4:35-38). The fields being white unto harvest then does not mean that every field is white unto harvest now, simply because millions are more

  • Becoming Desensitized To Sin: The Danger Of Creeping Normalcy

    Contributed by Don Campbell on May 19, 2023

    Satan does not try to ravage us. He seduces us by a process that is sometimes so slow, we do not even notice.

    BECOMING DESENSITIZED TO SIN: THE DANGER OF CREEPING NORMALCY INTRODUCTION A. I am 80 years old and have witnessed moral and spiritual changes in American that boggle my mind and alarm my spirit. B. Alarm bells go off in the hearts and minds of sincere believers when the more