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  • Counterfeit Christianity

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Feb 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon stresses the difference of being a genuine believer and a counterfeit one.

    COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANITY Matthew 13:3-8, 18-23 Intro: One day Jesus was by the seashore when He became accompanied by multitudes of people. There were so many that He had to go offshore and sit in a boat. He then began to teach the people. What He taught them was the Parable of the Sower, among more

  • A Thief In Your House

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon stresses the personal benefits of tithing.

    A Thief in Your House Malachi 3:8-12 Intro: When most people hear this verse, they think the preacher is about to ask them to give more money. They already believe that the church is only interested in them for their money. They ask, “Why should I give them money when I don’t have more

  • One Less Stone

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 13, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon relates the purpose and benefits of praise.

    One Less Stone Psalm 150 Intro: Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “The Lord inhabits the praises of His people” or the phrase, “when praise goes up, blessings come down”? All of these are true. God loves our praise. We were created for a relationship with God. Part more

  • Now Is The Time

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 13, 2010

    This sermon stresses the urgency of evangelizing the lost.

    Now Is the Time Luke 24:46-49; Acts 2:1-5 Intro: Earlier we talked about how Christ came to earth to live, to die, and to rise again. We talked about His betrayal. We talked about His mocking, scourging, beating, and crucifixion. We talked about how He was laid in a borrowed tomb. We also talked more

  • What In Hell Do You Want

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 13, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon gives a description of Hell and why it should be avoided at all costs.

    WHAT IN HELL DO YOU WANT? Luke 16: 19-24 Intro: People have got a serious misconception of Hell. Though they believe it to be a place that’s hot, they also believe it to be a place where they will spend the rest of their existence living in any way they desire. After all, they’re dead. more

  • Just A Little Talk With Jesus

    Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 11, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon addressing some misconceptions on prayer.

    JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS Matthew 6:5-8 Introductory Statement: I once saw a poster in an Adult Christian Education classroom that said, “Prayer is not the last resort.” I thought, ‘That’s true. It should be the first more