One Less Stone
Contributed by Don Bradley on Dec 13, 2010 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon relates the purpose and benefits of praise.
One Less Stone
Psalm 150
Intro: Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “The Lord inhabits the praises of His people” or the phrase, “when praise goes up, blessings come down”? All of these are true. God loves our praise. We were created for a relationship with God. Part of that relationship is praising and worshiping God. We praise Him for what He has done and we worship Him because of Who He is. It is no wonder that the last psalm instructs, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” I’ve read this psalm many times but it wasn’t until I heard it preached at a church in Jacksonville that it’s meaning to hold. What is praise {halal}? It is from what we get our word, Hallelujah. It is celebrate, glory, sing, or boast. There are four questions about praise the psalm answers.
I. Where Should God be Praised?—Everywhere
A. In His Sanctuary—this is where His people are gathered together. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in the midst. His sanctuary is not a building; it is wherever His people meet to praise and worship Him. It is like saying, “Praise God in the congregation of His Saints.”
B. In His Creation—this is every place else. We are to praise God wherever we go. A good way to measure if you should not be someplace is ask, Can I praise God here? Am I comfortable praising God here? Will my presence here add to or detract from God’s glory?
II. How Should God be Praised?—In Everyway
A. Through songs
B. Through music
C. Through words
D. Through actions
III. Who Should Praise God?—Everyone
A. Everything that has breath
B. All of creation—sun, moon, stars, and the Earth. The Psalmist wrote, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have ordained.” All of creation declares that there is a God. Just as art can glorify an artist, creation glorifies the Creator.
IV. Why Should God be Praised?—Everything
A. For His mighty acts—for what He has done.
a. Creation (Earth, Israel, US)—God created the Heavens and the Earth. God created the nation of Israel out of one man. God brought forth a nation based on religious freedom.
b. Redemption (Israel, Us)—God redeemed Israel from Egyptian slavery by the hand of a man named Moses. God redeemed us from slavery to sin by the blood of His Son, Jesus.
c. Provision (Gives us what we need)
d. Providence (He is at work in our lives)
B. For His excellent greatness—for who He is
a. Creator
b. Redeemer
c. Alpha and Omega
d. Beginning and the End
e. Consuming Fire
f. Door of the sheepfold
g. Everlasting Father
h. Faithful and True
i. Great High Priest
j. Holy One
k. Immanuel
l. Justifier of our Faith
m. King of Kings and Lord of Lords
n. Lion of the Tribe of Judah
o. Maker of Heaven and Earth
p. Offspring of David
q. Prince of Peace
r. Rose of Sharon
s. Savior
t. The Good Shepherd
u. Vine
v. Way, Truth, and the Life
w. Jehovah-Jireh—my Provider
x. Jehovah-Rapha-my Healer
y. Jehovah-Shalom-my Peace
z. Jehovah-Rohi-my Shepherd
aa. El Elyon-The most High God
bb. El Roi-The God who sees
cc. El Shaddai-The God Almighty