Danielle Jeremiah
Contributing sermons since Apr 9, 2009
Newest Sermons
A Call For The Elect To Arise: A Prayer And Teaching For God’s Chosen
Contributed on Jan 30, 2025
This a call to the elect. We have become to attached to the things of this world. It is time to let go and realize that we are a part of a kingdom that will never pass away.
A Call for the Elect to Arise: A Prayer and Teaching for God’s Chosen Introduction: The Time for the Elect to Rise is Now We are living in an hour where the lines between light and darkness are being drawn more clearly than ever before. The world is growing colder, deception is increasing, and ...read more
Deliverance Moment: Keys To Answered Prayers
Contributed on Jun 8, 2022
When you pray the will of God the earth and heaven come into alignment that's when things began to happen.
Deliverance Moment: Keys to Answered prayers You can not pray with a fearful spirit..either you trust God or you don't. I always hear people say that prayer changes things well I don't quite agree...it's not prayer that change things it's God... If prayer really changed things than ...read more
Giving Birth To The Promise
Contributed on Oct 14, 2001
This sermon take us through the life of Abraham and Sarah as they travialed to recieve the child promised by God
Giving birth to the Promise Genesis 18:9-1 Title-Giving Birth To The Promise Text: Genesis 18:9-15, Genesis 21:1-2 We as people of God or people in general have a problem with waiting. We want what we want, when we want, how we want and why we want it and it always has to happen at the time ...read more
Ive Got The Power
Contributed on May 20, 2001
this Sermon teaches about learning how to stand on the authority that you have in Christ Jesus
Today I want us to take a look at a verse that validates our ability and authority to do anything thru Christ. The Lord gave me this verse one day after coming home from church. The lord gave me this verse because on this particular day I was going through some trials and tribulations. I was ...read more
Are You A Victim Of Goons In Your Life?
Contributed on May 20, 2001
This is a two part series on spiritual warfare.
The Lord gave me this sermon a couple of days ago after going through a series of demonic attacks in my life. You see the LOrd had me in intercessory prayer for my church, which had been under spiritual attack. Because I had been standing in the gap for the church by interceding, the devil ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Protect Your Anointing
Contributed on May 20, 2001
Contributed on Apr 30, 2001