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  • What Is That Born Again Stuff? Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 3, 2010

    Third in a series devoted to "church words." This talks about regeneration in a way most congregants and unbelievers alike can understand.

    Those Confusing Church Words Series Ezekiel 36:25-27 What Is That "Born Again" Stuff" Today I’m going to talk about a word that many of you might not be all that familiar with: Regeneration. It’s a word that most unchurched people have never heard of. In fact, many Christians have only more

  • Isn’t Grace What We Say Before We Eat? Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Second message explaining "church words." As the title states, this message explains the word "grace."

    Those Confusing Church Words Series Ephesians 2:8-10 “Isn’t Grace What We Say Before We Eat?” We’re talking about "Those Confusing Church Words." Last week we talked about sin. We defined sin as "any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature." Today, we’re going more

  • Isn’t Sin Just A Little Mistake? Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Dec 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    First message in a series dealing with "church words." This message deals with the definition of sin.

    Today we’re beginning a seven part series called "Those Confusing Church Words." Most unchurched people have heard of some of these words but they have no idea what they really mean, or how they are affected by them, if they are affected by them at all. It might surprise some of you, but there more

  • Be All That You Can Be Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Dec 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon explaining the meaning of sanctification.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "Be All That You Can Be!" Today we are talking about a word that most people have heard, many Christians brag about, and few understand: sanctification. Sanctification can be a really confusing word because of the way people use it. Most Christians understand the word more

  • Worship

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Oct 24, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    It’s a praise song that David is said to have written when he went to get the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Obed-Edom.

    Psalm 24:1-10 “Worship” The 24th Psalm is an interesting Psalm. It’s a praise song that David is said to have written when he went to get the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Obed-Edom. This was an exciting time for David and the Hebrew nation. The Ark had been out of Israel’s possession more

  • Lessons From Adam

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 23, 2009

    Here are some serious mistakes Adam made in his relationship with God and Eve and how God dealt with him.

    Genesis 3:1-24 "Lessons From Adam" Here are some serious mistakes Adam made in his relationship with God and Eve and how God dealt with him. I. He was passive (vs 1-6) Basically, he ignored her! He ignored the fact that Satan was there. He ignored the fact that Satan was talking to her He more

  • How To Have A Submissive Wife

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 23, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Focuses on some of the qualities of love women are looking for.

    Ephesians 5:25-33 "How to Have a Submissive Wife" God commanded husbands and wives to do something that is really difficult for each of us to do. He commanded that women be submissive to their own husbands. They aren’t required to be submissive to all men, just their husbands. It’s hard for a more

  • The Perfect Father

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 23, 2009
    based on 58 ratings

    A Father’s Day message based on John 3:16

    John 3:16 "The Perfect Father" Good morning, and Happy Father’s Day! Today’s message is entitled "The Perfect Father." I’m not the perfect father. But what’s reassuring is that neither are any of you. I don’t say that to slam any of you, it’s just a fact. None of us are perfect fathers. We more

  • How To Live By Faith

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    A lesson in learning to trust God from the book of Habakkuk

    Habakkuk 2:1-4 “How Do I Live By Faith?” I have some friends who are doing what is known as "living by faith." To them, and to many who use that phrase, it means that they are trusting totally on God to supply their financial needs. As a matter of fact, most people who use the term "living by more

  • What Does The Resurrection Mean?

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A resurrection Sunday message.

    1 Corinthians 15:12-20 "What Does the Resurrection Mean?" • Every year thousands of people climb a mountain in the Italian Alps, passing the "stations of the cross" to stand at an outdoor crucifix. One tourist noticed a little trail that led beyond the cross. He fought through the rough more

  • Sacrificial Love

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Palm Sunday sermon...

    “Sacrificial Love” John 12:12-26 March 8 marked the beginning of an important time in the life of the Christian church. Do you know what it is? Ash Wednesday, which was on March 8, began a season of spiritual preparation during which we recall the whole life, teachings, and ministry of Jesus. more

  • Peace For The New Year

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 10, 2008

    A sermon on dealing with conflict

    Peace for the New Year Colossians 3:15 The motto of the Apollo 11 flight was "We come in peace for all mankind." This motto was on the plaque which was deposited on the face of the moon. The landing was on the Sea of Tranquility. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin found a tranquil and peaceful more

  • Characteristics Of A Revived Church

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Challenges a declining or plateaued church to begin the process of revival.

    Acts 2:40-47 “Characteristics of a Revived Church" Most churches in America are either plateaued or in decline. Between 7000 & 8000 churches close each year in America. One of the greatest needs of the churches in America today is revival. How do we know whether our church is alive and more

  • I Am Not Ashamed

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A baptism message

    Romans 1:16-19 "I Am Not Ashamed!" (A Baptism Message) Down South they tell about a Baptist minister who preached about baptism by immersion every Sunday. His congregation agreed with his doctrine, but they were getting pretty tired of hearing about it every week. Nobody wanted to hurt his more

  • How To Be Happy With What You Have Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Our culture is constantly telling us a big lie: "More will satisfy."

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:17 "How To Be Happy With What You Have" Today we’re looking at the last of the Ten Commandments "You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that more